Back when I was mentally intact, I had no problem getting a job. Everyone loved me.
It only took one job and one bitchy boss to screw me up and splinter me into a thousand little fragile pieces.
Since then, I have not been able to keep a job for more than six months. The novelty wears off and they start to realise exactly what they have hired. They put deadlines on my work that I am unable to meet because I am unable to sense time like they can and often am running late or behind schedule.
Usually one of two things happens. 1 - They fire me citing slowness, poor effort, and not being a team player. 2 - After sensing that things are going sour, I quit rather than have the humiliation of being fired.
Because of my work history, I look like a job hopper with no reliability or stability. This is kind of true, but through no fault of mine, yet I have to bear the consequences.
When faced with not being able to pay bills or feed myself, I am driven by desperation to look for work again. However doing any kind of jobsearch usually leaves me feeling miserable, teary and depressed. I am unable to afford counselling or psychiatric treatment, and had to get my low-grade anti depressants from a gp who did not know me from a bar of soap and could barely even speak english. Usually when I am able to get a new job, I spend all my wages trying to catch up on bills and debts that I missed paying while unemployed.
Yet apparantly I have no disability and do not require help.
Recollect me darling, raise me to your lips
two undernourished egos, four rotating hips.
Hold on to me tightly I'm a sliding scale
cant endure then you can't inhale