Scheherazade wrote:
On a positive note, 60-80% of your pay is pretty decent compensation to help deal with a lousy situation. Here in Canada, I'm getting less than 40% - normally they give 55% but there's a maximum, so if you earn more than that you still get the same amount, whether you live in the most expensive city in the country or you live in the boonies. So my cheque pays my rent and my student loan payment, and if I don't make my minimum credit card payment I can also buy food. But if I want to work part-time to help get by, they'll just deduct it from my unemployment cheque. Boo. Apparently the option is work for free or else choose to be lazy.
Good point.
I'll be able to draw the amount for 6-7 months. I intend to apply for food help (food stamps or Lone Star card as it's called in Texas) next week. I just NOW got my last check from my job, and it'll pay rent and lights. I'll have to wait on the cable (TV & Internet) for a few weeks until the unemploy,emt kicks in fully.
I would receive to more or less depending on geography. luckliy I don't have a car payment (or related expenses) right now and I live slightly below my means, so I should be okay.
Still sucks.
I'd like to be in Canada too!
Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!