Hi Greshym
I am a counsellor/psychotherapist. try this site http://personalitypage.com you can find out which personality you are and if that suits with becoming a counsellor. You have to able to 'feel'/sens other people. I have a INFJ personality; Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. Ths is one of the 16 personality types. There is also another site you can try http://www.careerplanner.com
It takes between 3-4 years to become a pshychotherapist and a lot of money between € 10.000 - €12.000,- There are many avenues you can choose from and it helps a lot if you're creative to find solutions in your own life and that in others with the help of the client you're working with.
If you go this route, be sure to choose a college that provides work experience, eventhough you have to work for free.
Good luck.