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What do you think about my website?
It is very professional 14%  14%  [ 1 ]
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It is boring 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
average 14%  14%  [ 1 ]
It is below average 14%  14%  [ 1 ]
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It sucks 57%  57%  [ 4 ]
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20 Jul 2008, 5:20 pm

I just created it with FrontPage 2003, and uploaded it this morning.

I added links to all of my publications that are available on the internet, and I also uploaded some of my better papers (that weren't available on the internet) to my website.

So, whadaya think? If it works, fine. If not, I can always make a new website and try again.

Here is a sample of what my competition has on line: ... nAodw1wmqg

So, will potential clients be pestering me for to be their consultant? Or, will their reaction be along the lines of "Geez, what a weirdo!"

Anyway, I have retired recently from the US federal government, so I am not desperate for cash. Also, I get access to the same health plans that our members of congress generously vote for themselves. So, I'm not desperate, but some little extra income in my spare time might be nice.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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20 Jul 2008, 5:43 pm

Please don't take any offense. The site is really amateur and I don't think anyone would take it seriously.

I skimmed through and your content seems fine. If you want a front page picture of yourself, that is not a good one. The rest of your pics are great and show character. Your main pic looks like an uncomfortable day at K-mart picture studio. You can do a lot better than that.

You can have a site better than those referenced though. Just buy a template online. I've used a few times and they have always been great. You get a phone call after the purchase to make sure everything is ok. If you know a little HTML you can have a site up in a day or two. Also check google for more template sites if you don't find any you like.

So yeah, don't use the front page pic, rest are great, content is great. You just need to find a way to make it more appealing and clean.


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20 Jul 2008, 5:55 pm

A couple of people have now told me that, on their computers, a lot of my text can't be read, because a lot of the text (which appears black on my screen) appears white on their screen. White on white, a lot of my text won't be visible. Is anyone else having this problem? Or, is this limited? And, what could be causing it?

(the front page was actually from the Walmart studio :oops: )


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20 Jul 2008, 6:11 pm

No offense, but the design is piss poor (this is in no small part because FrontPage sucks). You've also got a lot of white-on-white text that can only be read by highlighting it. At my screen resolution and browser window size, your background is repeated, which looks extremely tacky. FrontPage designs for Internet Explorer, Web standards and every other browser (like Firefox, which is what I'm using) be damned.

A website where the quality of the design is too low can actually be liability rather than an asset (meaning it would be better to have no website at all).


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20 Jul 2008, 6:16 pm

See what I see:



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20 Jul 2008, 7:02 pm

Wow. Now THAT looks horrible. Thanks.

I have Mozilla FireFox on my computer (in addition to Windows Internet Explorer), and, when I look at it with Mozilla FireFox on my computer, it looks fine.


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20 Jul 2008, 9:03 pm

Okay, I found one tip on google--change the colour of the text from black to a dark blue. I tried that, but just for the home page. Can you please look at that again?

I had a nice picture for my banner, but I can see that repeating the picture doesn't look good on your wide screen monitor.


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20 Jul 2008, 9:37 pm

On my Mozilla Firefox, the Education, Professional Experience, Contact Information, and Major Contributions pages do not appear to have text unless you select it. This seems to be a font coloration issue. It might be the same issue as found on your front page earlier.


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20 Jul 2008, 10:26 pm

one thing; have to admit you know your cows...;)

It's fine as a web page, it just looks dated a bit (but it's Frontpage, what can you say?)


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21 Jul 2008, 9:07 am

What I think I might do, after I've cleaned it up, is keep this as my CV website, until I've come up with something better. Maybe I will think about using templates after I've developed something more along the lines of a "This is What I Can Do For You" type of advertisement, with an appropriate catch phrase.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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21 Jul 2008, 9:28 am

pandabear wrote:
What I think I might do, after I've cleaned it up, is keep this as my CV website, until I've come up with something better. Maybe I will think about using templates after I've developed something more along the lines of a "This is What I Can Do For You" type of advertisement, with an appropriate catch phrase.

so dude.
let me give you some piece of advice.
for one reason or another i happend to be in the publishing line of work,
not directly, but indirectly,
anyway, to the point,
the information on the site (which i did not bother to read because i could not figure out how to get to it)
it is very simple, i want facts i wnat you to present them to me in a manner that makes me want to come back.
so to the acctual point,
try a publishing tool.
they are made so simple that even dear ol granny can use them.
now to the problem.
they are not easy to install, you need system administration experience.
so you have 2 choises which are, 1. get your hands dirty and install a CMS (content mangement system) or 2. go online and rent one, they ar efairly cheap.

thats just a few free ones.

and i would think about getting yourself a nice css stylesheet theme perhaps and some updated pictures. (those look really old)
good try though, you acctually made a webpage, that is more then most people can say.
and im just guessing this is your first attempt, so dont feel broken down about it.
anyway, have a nice day, peace and love, see you in another life when we are ninjapandas trying to bring peace to the world.

- i am not a piece of your puzzle, you cant make me fit -


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21 Jul 2008, 10:23 am

Hmmm. I never heard of Content Management Systems before. Why should they be difficult to install, but easy to use?