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BitterGeek Deinonychus
Joined: 5 Jul 2005Age: 51Gender: MalePosts: 349
I put Ruby On Rails on my resume (experience only limited to sidehacking). The recruiter calls have been flooding in. What buzzword on your resume is getting the buzz?
curiouslittleboy Sea Gull
Joined: 6 Jun 2007Gender: MalePosts: 215
<_< >_> What's Ruby On Rails?
Sunfell Hummingbird
Joined: 3 Jun 2008Age: 64Gender: FemalePosts: 22
The Seekrit IT Buzzzzz word is: Web 2.0 Nobody is actually sure what the heck 'Web 2.0' really is, but it sure sounds cool. And it looks cool, to - if its on the right browser.