I had a group interveiw for a casino one time. Here's what they did to me and teh BF:
They took us in in groups of six. We sat down at a table with one interveiwer. She first asked us general information questions, like names, ages, where we were from, yap yap. She then moved on to the interveiw. Of course the standard 'Why do you want to work here' popped up. She asked the question once, but each person had to answer individually. So it really felt like you had to one up the bloke before you. Then she asked a few other questions. These were individual, meaning only you answered it.
OMG worst interveiw I ever went to! Not only did you feel like you had to one up the guy next to you, BUT THEY GRADED YOU ON LISTENING. And of course NT's think listening means looking at the speaker, making eye contact, yap yap yap. Needless to say I failed.
This is probably the worst interveiw strategy I have ever seen. I really hope your interveiw isn't this bad OP...
Every time you think you've made it idiot proof, someone comes along and invents a better idiot.
?the end of our exploring, will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. - T.S. Eliot