pineapple wrote:
I've used ChaCha; it's very cool. But I'm surprised by how little they pay; that isn't cool at all. Isn't $4 an hour way below minimum wage? Would you do this as your only job?
Well it's an unusual circumstance because the pay rate isn't actually based on an hourly wage... it's based on the number of questions answered I assume... and may also involve some kind of quality metrics -- it's hard to say without knowing the internals of their system... But I gather that there are laws that allow people to be paid per-task as an agent which don't fall under the normal rubric of wage laws because they're not paying a wage, they're hiring an agent, which is considered more akin to the purchase of a service.
As an agent (or business owner if you prefer) you're allowed to set prices however you like -- although in this case, they've already established what they're willing to pay for that service. So you could for example choose to perform that service for a higher price, but you would have to find a client base other than theirs (and in this case a technical infrastructure to provide the service).
Am I rambling again? :)
Anyway... yes $4/hr is well below the current minimum wage here in the US. The upper end of their pay-scale ($10/hr) is above it. That's just the average of what their agents are getting based on how quickly they answer those questions. I wouldn't expect it to be a sole income. I'm thinking about using it myself though to supplement my now non-existent income.