Horrible careless mistakes at work:*(

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17 Oct 2008, 12:19 am

Granted I OWN the company... :? ...so I can't get fired (i would fire myself if I could), but twice while processing orders, and charging them on quickbooks, I have accidentally and totally carelssly pasted the credit card number where the pice should go and inadvertantly attempted to charge customers upwards of $10,000 8O ...both times the card was declined and I ran it again for the correct amount...but one customer was contacted by their bank and wants to investigate us for fraud...we have not heard from the other customer yet...
It was a total accident...and I have done it TWICE in the course of a couple of days...I have no idea How I managed to miss that detail...it is not as if I am working with my eyes closed.

Anywoo..i hope we don't lose our merchant services over this. I was in a bad mood for several hours today...I don't know what to do..I suggested we contact the second customer I did it to...but was told to let it go...

I am a notorious maker of big careless mistakes like this at work.....i can't stand it :cry:

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17 Oct 2008, 12:48 am

When I owned my own business, I did two different things (at different times) to solve similar problems.

1.) I set up a dry erase board next to the keyboard, with the steps listed in indelible marker. As I performed each step I'd make a check mark next to the step with the dry erase pen. Before the next line item, I'd give the board a quick wipe and start over. That kept me pretty much straight, especially when I was tired.

2.) I hired a data entry person to come in once a week and do the cra....uhhh...stuff for me. That was the best answer by far.

I worked for myself for 20 years. I'll NEVER work for that SOB again. :D


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17 Oct 2008, 3:15 am

Well in my workplace the Bernie f***-up is a byword <G>

I used to work for a butcher and he insisted on keeping the old fashioned mechanical till because when you over rang by a factor of ten or 100 you would immediately know all about it the till would be wurring and clicking for 10 minutes nearly. I cant imagine what he would make of card processing.

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17 Oct 2008, 3:52 am

For whatever reason such things always happen at least twice. The second time you normally get shocked enough to remember it ;)
I'm writing web apps with online payment systems and every launch of such a site is a big pain, since you're never sure, that everything works right or by some bug in the program you for example charge taxes twice or stuff like that. The payment companies are used to this, happens all the time.
I don't think anybody can make big trouble in your case, since it's quite obvious, that you used the card number and not any other sum. So you most likely won't lose your merchant service. Try to contact the customer and explain the problem to him. (Tell him, that it's the softwares fault for being to complicated and you're new to using it. Everybody makes errors with new software)

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17 Oct 2008, 7:45 am

I make big mistakes at work and hate myself for it. I always feel I'm the only one who makes such big and stupid mistakes. I probably am. Usually it's lack of sufficient attention or not checking things thoroughly, or not asking when I'm not sure.

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17 Oct 2008, 10:06 am

I will think I am paying attention...and then...viola!...huge honking error right in front of my face that I totally missed.


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17 Oct 2008, 10:30 am

We had similar issues and the entire office (except me) is NT. We eventually built a front-end on our system that looks for erratic values and filters them before it goes into the credit card system.

I would hope Quickbooks would have something similar. You might try suggesting it to them. I don't think many people have limits on their credit cards that could handle a 16 digit charge.


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17 Oct 2008, 5:53 pm

It seems like the only real mistakes I make are huge. I also beat myself up over them. The only other mistakes I make at work, are trying to do my job & somehow pissing off other workers. :oops: I did this again today. <sigh>

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