Here's the answer to your first question: One place to look for onlkine work is craigslist. Basically it's like a huge classified ad section. Just hit up and click the city closest to you. If you're after a writing job, you'll probably find one under Writing, Misc, or the Gigs section. That's how I found my job. And BE CAREFUL! There are a lot of scammers out there, so you may have to do some homework before you say yes to someone.
Second answer: I generally do OK at work. I've had my job for just about 3 1/2 years now, and I love it. I just don't like the place I work. No raises, crappy hours (I just got up an hour ago from a 12-hour shift), and a condescending supervisor who doesn't communicate enough with us. We're trying to replace him but we've had some setbacks in the company that have seriously delayed our progress. For me the real challenge is to keep my mouth shut about things that bother me, since I'm not really a "shut up and do your job" type. I need to provide input to improve things, and they're not too receptive to that.