whitetiger wrote:
Take the $2000 out of the bank. Do not use it. Spend it all on something. Let your dad dole it out in cash instead of putting it in a bank. Also, you can call it a loan and that works sometimes.
I really wish it were that easy. It's what is called an irrevocable trust and dad wants to conserve money now cause of the stupid recession. He's spending it slowly and carefully to fully benefit me. Or so he says but never fear, I've got no reason to not believe him since he's a great dad, don't get me wrong. So, what I'm trying to say is, it's HIS to dole out to ME. Until I'm 25 years old and until then it'll be all gone anyway. So, it's never really mine. Plus, as I said, I've got 10 grand, so I'd need to take at least 8001 dollars from the account not 2 grand. Just saying.