I found I can give a good impression for a few minutes, but then have to laugh. Does anyone else struggle with the required theater of management and leadership ?
yes. and good way to describe it. i always find it amusing how people buy into this type of thing.
Perhaps gravitas is not the word you are looking for? i certainly understand what you mean. Pretentiousness perhaps? Anyhow, i believe this quality is not only valued at the management level but is pretty pervasive throughout corporate culture. Academia as well. I've always thought is was a spin-off from boy culture. (being pompous as a girl to other girls is the opposite of cool.) However, this might be a stretch.
Personally i have no talent for blathering off on a subject i know nothing about. I can talk relatively coherently on subjects i do know well. Even then, though, i can only speak on topic and don't know how to bring "me" into it. (at least not in an artful way). I have developed an alternative management style that works well for me. Some value it more than others. (Usually the ones best at gravitas, or whatever it is that we're talking about, appreciate it the least). As a result of this deficit, i've had to become extremely good at what i do. For instance, if i make a mistake, i'll readily admit it. (not cool.) It still amazes me how so many people can do a half-assed job at something, but because they are good talkers, get the credit, promotions, raises, etc. Oh, and one other thing that comes to mind is that apart from formal presentations, which i can do quite well, i should never *ever* represent the company in an type of intercompany event. I've had to develop many creative ways to make sure i did not get into such situations.
I think that acting classes would help. Just pretending i'm someone else allows me to say things in situations i wouldn't normally be able to say. And, like many aspies, i've become a good mimic.
excellent topic ... that is if i've gotten it right ... if not forgive and ignore me ... i'm sure there is a word for that too...