Triangular_Trees wrote:
The problem with that is what an NT will take extreme offense at is something that an aspie won't even consider having the possibilty to be offensive and sometimes vice versa, due to the completely different communication styles that the majority of each group prefer to use
Good point T_T, I often find myself puzzled over what some people find very upsetting and sometimes wonder how others can so calmly accept comments that make me boil. One of the things we are working with Z, our 11 yr old Aspie, is trying to figure out how his actions or comments might make other people feel or react.
I tend to assume that other people think in the same patterns I do even though I know this is not the case. As a result I sometimes have the first impression that I have been attacked or insulted when that is not the case. I may be slow to respond because I analyze (or overthink, as Cor, my wife, says) before replying thereby giving the impression I am uncaring or egotistical. The egotistical part probably fits because after almost six decades I've finally figured out what a terrific person I am.
I have come to value all of the comments in this forum, from Aspies, NTs, parents and non-parents, why not, I can learn something from so many of you?
If we do post a sticky of forum ettiquette perhaps it should include a disclaimer in the line of "Welcome, here you can expect to find all of the qualities that make the Human Race a species to be admired and respected, and you will find a good sprinkling of human faults as well. Enjoy your time here!"
Aspies, the next step in evolution?