The school is finally testing my teenager and has sent home a questionnaire for me to fill out. It is the GARS-2 (Gilliam Autism Rating Scale - Second Edition). Included in this questionnaire - and in a lot of the reading I've been doing about the Spectrum - are questions asking if the child makes "inappropriate comments." What exactly does this mean? Repeating things from television, movies, etc., is something completely different, correct? I don't think it has to do with the noisemaking either. I'm just not sure what it means, really. Sometimes, I think he has no "filter," and that could be it - but I don't want to answer "YES" if it means something else.
The questionnaire seems tailored to younger kids (my son is 15) and some of the questions are asking me to remember things from before he was 3 years old. I just don't want to blow this and have him not get the accomodations that could help him succeed in high school.
Also - do executive function problems show up on testing like this? He definitely has issues there and the few accomodations I'd like him to have are related to executive functioning.
My son has a doctor's appointment for an evaluation in a couple of weeks, but the school testing and meeting are scheduled for next week. I really wanted to have this independent evaluation in my pocket before the school meeting, but it's not to be - unless, of course, I cancel the school meeting and reschedule it for next month.