3.4 am I being unreasonable?

Hi All4Vladi,
My son is 9 and his writting (especially Chinese characters) used to be horrible. Then I took his teacher's advice to spend time and effort to really work on his handwriting, and they are now okay. Other than handwriting, we also practiced tracing cartoon characters, drawing, coloring and painting. HTH

Your son's gradepoint doesn't count until highschool so don't worry so much. Keep him interested in math at home and explain to him that he will have a better teacher next year. My son's both responded better to teacher's they liked. Also I made a point to explain about AS at the beginning of the school year to each of my son's teachers so they understood about group work. My AS son did not have the best highschool gradepoint but scored in the 98% nationwide on his ACT tests. He is now attending a very exclusive private pharmacy college. Your son does not need a 4.0 to succeed in life.
I graduated high school by 2 points. Don't know what my grade point average was because they did a numerical average. You had to have a 61 average for all classes combined, I had a 63. However, I had already been accepted to a University on the basis of my ACT alone (30 or 32 I think, that was far ago and long away).
P.E. : A
Social Studies: A
Language: B
Math: C
Now That "C" really upsets me. I am one of those CRAZY involved Moms. I work full time and have 2 other kids yet. I am always at school functions, 1st day of school, meetings and even bake. I really feel that I am NOT doing something. Vladis strongest subject is math but his writting is awful and the teacher does not understand him so she can't give him proper credit. He is now beginning to lie about assignments and not do them. I am very sad

You are working against him in so many ways by this, do you feel that your sons grades are are a reflection of you as a parent? I notice many parents act as those thier childrens accomplisments validate them, so perhaps you should get some theraoy for yourself to deal with that. As for your sons grade, try to find a middle ground witht he teacher, perhaps he could type something instead of writing it out if his writing is hard to read?
I hate hearing, "you don't seem autistic/aspie". I have a nagging suspicion most people have no idea what autistic or aspie "seem" like in the first place...
06xrs~ yup! I will DEFINATELY keep pushing I don't want Vladi to stick out like a sore thumb, but I want what is fair for him
Sticking out like a sore thumb?? Aspergic children are very intelligent but can't take pressure, I like to think of my two as better then an NT child, definately not like a sore thumb, My two spent 7months and a school year at school, respectively. My son used to do his a the old victorian way, when he went to school his teacher said it was wrong and he came home writing it the same as everyone else, she tried to make him the same as everyone else, I didn't want him the same, he is unique and thats how he should stay, even if he does stick out. Your son needs encouragement but he needs to learn that getting A's are not important.