leechbabe wrote:
My AS daughter toe walks constantly and we've got to get special inserts for her shoes to mimic the proprioceptive input of toe walking. She is only 3.5yo and has already damaged her muscles, we hope the stretches every 2 hours will reverse the damage. Thankfully she hadn't damaged the bones in her ankles.
At one point, I got similar inserts. My mother doesn't recall why though, and I don't either. BTW I don't have flat feet.
I KNOW how you feel! NEXT TIME, if that happens, try hiting ctrl-z(press the Z key while holding CTRL down). It is a little known windows feature to undo a step. IF, for example, you select text(or windows decides to do it), and you hit a key(or whindows does it), ALL the text will be wiped out, and the new text will replace it. If you then hit ctrl-z, it may take things back to the text you had.
When I think of ALL the wasted time because of some IDIOT putting all those flaws in, and that feature not being EMBLAZONED everywhere, it makes me SICK! Since I found out about it, it has saved me DAYS of work.