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06 Oct 2008, 12:50 am

The school has been fabulous. They worked out several strategies to help him too. He has earmuffs that he can wear if class is too noisy. He has permission to go work in the hallway if he's overstimulated. He also has permission to use an mp3 player in the lunch room because the noise level in there was keeping him from eating. His seating was also adjusted to minimize stimulation.

No, it's just the doctor recommending it, and that was after I said we were perfectly happy with his progress. The little bit he takes now gives him the edge he needs to make better choices and focus. The doctor said, in essence, that we should up the dose until we don't see any more benefit from it. It sounded a lot like, well if a little does some good a lot will do more good. But I could be wrong. I will look into the stuff you're mentioning too. I know my daughter would prefer not to give him medication if she can come up with a natural substance.


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06 Oct 2008, 1:08 am

Great news that the school is being so helpful, you are lucky!! Not many schools have the sense yours is showing!!

Interventions are all important, these children are so responsive to postive behaviour management. I have read empirical research by the bucket load ( studying for Masters in autism!) where the CHILDREN are actually shouting what they need and researchers are writing the papers BUT noone is reading them! Grrrrrrr! If only the papers were read and ACTED on then we wouldn't be in this mess!

Talking to children using analogy is a brill way of communicating and also keeping in CONSTANT touch with the school is mega important. Our ethos is that the parents are INCLUDED all the way and NEVER left out. So many make the mistakes of arranging meetings and then not inviting or allowing the parents to participate.

There are loads of interventions your daughter may like to use, all free and very effective to ease the load a bit. Good luck and do look into Phosphatidyl Serine, I have been going on and on about it on this board for ages. It works, HONESTLY and I have never known anyone yet that has not seen a benefit WITHIN 30MINUTES!!

Here is a link for information, a small but very friendly group that know a lot about PS! Ooooh and yes it is perfectly SAFE! 3000 academic papers on the subject. Click into Dr Kyl Smith, Phosphatidyl Serine YOUTUBE. GOOD LUCK! :D

http://www.phpbbcity.com/forum/index.ph ... =psforadhd




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09 Oct 2008, 12:39 am

Rebecca_L wrote:
My daughter is ADHD but watching her diet and getting her plenty of exercise worked quite well. I did also work hard to teach her how to work effectively even with her impulsive behavior and short attention span. She tried working in an office once, as an adult, but she still can't do anything sedentary. (I'm very well aware that I was lucky in her case. Please don't think I'm saying diet, exercise and behavior modification work for all children.)

Her son, however, had to start taking Concerta last year to function in school. He's on a very low dose and only takes it right before school, not on weekends or during the summer. Taking it upped his reading comprehension from 4 to 14 in a one week period and pretty much eliminated his violent outbursts, so it's clear it makes a big difference. The down side is that he hates it. He doesn't want to take it, I guess because it makes him feel a bit foggy. I was also a bit surprised during his med check appointment before school when the doctor encouraged us to consider giving it to him in higher doses and more often. Has anyone else encountered this? This doctor was my children's pediatrician when they were kids and we've always really liked and respected him, but now I'm a little nervous. Is there really a philosophy that if a little is good more is better among DOCTORS? I've always believed you should go with the minimal amount of medication that gets the job done.

My son has been on Concerta now for his 2nd month. His Dr (Developmental and Behavioral Pediatric Dr) has just doubled his dose. He HATES taking it too, but mainly b/c the pill doubled in size too! We take it with chocolate pudding. I've not noticed a big difference in his behavior, but it has made a little difference. I am going to see what this month of double dose does. The dr wants us to try it, as it is a 'mild' medication and has a good success rate. He still has had some outbursts though while on the medication - a 'rebound effect' of the medication, the Dr says. We may have to try something else!!


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09 Oct 2008, 10:58 am

We've decided to leave his dose as it is. My daughter was pretty devastated to have to put him on anything at all. She felt like she should be able to do for him what I did with her. The fact is, her hyperactivity did not cause the same type of outbursts his do. (I wonder if that's a girl versus boy thing?) But she definitely doesn't want to increase his dose. This dose has made a huge difference and we're all a bit nervous about medication, particularly over long periods of time. I think, myself, that keeping the dose low and not giving him doses over the weekend or summer, will help him keep from developing a tolerance to it and keep it working longer. Plus, I'm always worried about possible damage to him. ;)


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10 Oct 2008, 2:12 am

Rebecca, PLEASE at least try or suggest Phosphatidyl Serine! My son was on Concerta, Resperidal not to mention whatever else they were ABOUT to suggest UNTIL I found PS!

Don't dismiss it till ya try it! HONEST it is a miracle!! XX :D ( IN MY OPINION!)


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10 Oct 2008, 10:48 am

Jeli, we'll look into the PS solution this summer. We don't want to try something at the same time that he's taking the Concerta because there could be an interaction. If it makes a difference during the summer, though, we'll certainly use it next year instead of putting him back on Concerta. We don't want to risk his education, though, because last year was a rough year for him.


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12 Oct 2008, 7:24 am

:D Great news Rebecca!! Promise you you won't look back. If you cannot wait until Summer try it at the weekend or when he is not HAVING to concentrate soooo much. The difference is MASSIVE. Honest, SEEING IS BELIEVING.

Concerta kicks out of the system in about 12hrs, I tried it during weekends and DID NOT give him Concerta at the weekends. One weekend is all it took, he has never looked back and never taken Concerta since!!



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12 Oct 2008, 2:03 pm

That's a good idea. I'll wait for the next three day weekend and get his mom to try it on the last two days, just to be careful. Can't be to careful where the little ones are concerned. ;)


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12 Oct 2008, 3:06 pm

Rebecca_L wrote:
That's a good idea. I'll wait for the next three day weekend and get his mom to try it on the last two days, just to be careful. Can't be to careful where the little ones are concerned. ;)

Absolutely right Rebecca, they are sooo precious. That is why I love PS, it is sooo gentle unlike the stimulants! Good luck and let us know how you get along :D


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12 Oct 2008, 3:51 pm

Ritalin certainly has it's place and it does work but now that I have switched my son (age 7.5) from Ritalin to Straterra after 2 years I am just SO HAPPY with the results.

I was extremely against Ritalin and we tried everything else before resorting to it. I am glad that we did medicate as you can see how Ritalin helps your child in all aspects. The only downside to it is - insomnia, appetite loss and anxiety. Dylan also has a naturally higher heart rate and when on Ritalin it would spike up 130+ which is far too high for such a small body.

Since going off Ritalin my son is asleep by 9pm (used to be 10.30/11pm), has put on almost 3 kgs as he is eating again and is doing so well. He seems to comprehend and understand things so much better, he is socialising better and is just wonderful.

My only advice to anyone is talk to your doctor if you are not happy with anything that you see in your child - don't leave it alone, you are giving your child schedule 7 drugs, which is major stuff. Well that says it all doesn't it - schedule 7 drugs that are kept under lock and key and monitored on a register and we feed it to our kids ! !!

Anyway just my point of view on Ritalin ...