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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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09 Nov 2009, 12:26 am

Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!


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09 Nov 2009, 1:07 am

Hyacynth wrote:
Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!

Stupid goddamn suburbanites. They gotta dis everything that doesn't fit into their perfect little cookie-cutter world, which is why we have half the problems dealing with NT's that we do. I hear ya, I really do.

Dont bother trying to refute them, even though you're right. The only education they understand is a slap upside the head.


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09 Nov 2009, 8:09 am

They really think that? They sound like idiots.


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09 Nov 2009, 11:15 am

Roxas_XIII wrote:
Hyacynth wrote:
Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!

Stupid goddamn suburbanites. They gotta dis everything that doesn't fit into their perfect little cookie-cutter world, which is why we have half the problems dealing with NT's that we do. I hear ya, I really do.

Dont bother trying to refute them, even though you're right. The only education they understand is a slap upside the head.
Hear, hear!

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there


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09 Nov 2009, 12:32 pm

Hyacynth wrote:
Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!

My AS son is actually one of the best behaved kids in middle school. He likes order. Granted, the teachers had to learn that moving and stimming and other wierd things weren't the same as "not paying attention," but stack that against kids who want to gossip with their friends all through class and he's looking really good.

Those parents are scapegoating. Since when has bus line behavior equated to in-school behavior? Different situations, different rules. I find that incredibly disheartening, that they could think like that. We don't encounter that here. I've gotten nothing but support for my son from other parents. I can't imagine not having that; I rely on it soooo much.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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09 Nov 2009, 5:54 pm

Pick your dirty name of choice and add it here -->________<-----. What jerks they are the kind that sue video game makers when their little darlings grown and knock over a 7/11.


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11 Nov 2009, 10:39 am

Hyacynth wrote:
Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!

:lol: That's like saying I'm a bad cook because I've got the wrong king of frying pan.
Your Tate is their scapegoat because they don't want to deal with "their" kid's issues.
Education doesn't happen at bus stops. If they really think this, why don't they just drive their disobedient kids to school themselves. Oh yeah, we have a war in Afghanistan....oh!'s Tate's fault. Your neighbors need a good ass kickin'.


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11 Nov 2009, 10:46 am

Oh wait! Here's another pearl: I was blamed for my friend's lesbianism....just because I wore boy's sneakers. I wore them because I was dirt poor...and they were clean, fairly new, and donated.
Anybody want to be gay?....come see me. I have a job nowadays and wear pumps (which I purchased myself).

Sea Gull
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11 Nov 2009, 2:29 pm

The uninformed...the ignorants!

This could get long...


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12 Nov 2009, 7:30 am

RightGalaxy wrote:
Oh wait! Here's another pearl: I was blamed for my friend's lesbianism....just because I wore boy's sneakers. I wore them because I was dirt poor...and they were clean, fairly new, and donated.
Anybody want to be gay?....come see me. I have a job nowadays and wear pumps (which I purchased myself).

It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Nov 2009, 11:20 am

Icks that reminds me of the time that I got my first tattoo, my NT friend Andrew decided that he wanted one and drag me along for moral support (don't ask me why, I think he thought that if I was in the same room as him while it was done he would have an audience to tough it out for). Long story short: we both got one, he was proud of this accomplishment until we got back to his house. His mother takes one look at his new tattoo and practically explodes.

Somehow it was my fault that he got this done, never mind that it was his idea in the first place and he was the one to drag me to the parlor. His mother was already calling me (on good days) a bad influence and (not so good days) the spawn of satan. Mind you, this is without never admitting to either of them that I had Aspergers. If through acting NORMAL this is the response I got, I can't even begin to imagine what would of happened if I gave his mother MORE justification to demonize my influence on her son.

The joys of teenage years, funny how I don't miss them too much. Fortunately, I've already rationalized that she was prone to labeling me as a degenerate and this was probably a factor of why Andrew got along with me so much - the more pissed off I made her, the cooler I became.

I'm off to visit RightGalaxy and see what's up with her gay-making powers. 8O


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21 Nov 2009, 2:16 pm

Hyacynth wrote:
Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!

Maybe they were already autistic and having someone who also has the same cognitive style as them made them feel comfortable enough to express themselves. Or it's faulty parenting.


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23 Nov 2009, 3:15 am

Hyacynth wrote:
Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!

Those are the type of people who will blame schools and teachers for their kids failing a grade or getting in trouble.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Nov 2009, 11:13 am

Wow. I am rude, immature and irresponsible of these parents.

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