Hyacynth wrote:
Two parents in our neighborhood think that Tate has caused their kids to become disobedient in school by playing with them at the bus stop. Ihey aparently were perfect students until Tate rubbed offon them. AUTISM IS NOT CONTAGEOUS!!
My AS son is actually one of the best behaved kids in middle school. He likes order. Granted, the teachers had to learn that moving and stimming and other wierd things weren't the same as "not paying attention," but stack that against kids who want to gossip with their friends all through class and he's looking really good.
Those parents are scapegoating. Since when has bus line behavior equated to in-school behavior? Different situations, different rules. I find that incredibly disheartening, that they could think like that. We don't encounter that here. I've gotten nothing but support for my son from other parents. I can't imagine not having that; I rely on it soooo much.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).