If I had it to do again (my kid is 17, nearly 18, and he's a pretty neat guy), I would have bought loafers (velcro is okay too), and decided that I'd intervene if he was hurting me, my wife, or someone else. Best advice I can give in hindsight....BACK OFF....especially, back off being hard on yourself. Routines help....and sometimes they don't. Lists help, and sometimes they don't. Drugs help, and sometimes they hurt. Tantrums always need an audience, or they are useless....and eye contact isn't that important. I'm sorry, I'm aspi myself, and I had trouble with that issue, until people learned that I was listening to them, that I could get A's on tests without taking notes, while staring out the window....and a whole bunch of other things that we as parents worry about. Deal with the kid, not the diagnosis. Make it clear that it is the behavior that isn't acceptable, not the kid. He knows what's happening, believe me, I did. I just had really smart parents. I didn't do as well as they did with me with my kid, but I don't think we broke him.
Good Luck