Jimbeaux wrote:
My girlfriend's son (Billy, 10 yr old aspie) is costing us well into the triple digits each for new shirts every month. He chews and ruins his shirts, after one time of wearing them. Yes, I know, this is stress relief, but we can no longer afford it.
So today, I made a deal with him. We are going to take some of his and mine old shirts and make "chewy cloth" for him, the collars and such of ruined shirts (I recently lost a lot of weight and therefor have a lot of old shirts). If he can chew on these for stress relief rather than ruining his shirts, we won't start spraying "bitter apple spray" on his collars.
We simply can't afford to spend $300 per month combined on shirts for him! I know, bitter apple spray may be cruel, but we need to find a solution.
Have any others of you successfully dealt with this problem in the past?
My son goes through phases of this, he chews holes in all of his tops. He is not doing it at the moment.
His occupational therapist recommended chewy tubes as its the pressing down action on his jaw that he seeks.
I am not going to give him one just yet as he is not chewing his shirts so I dont want to remind him of the chewing thing. Just though it may be worth a try for you though.