Well, if you want a healthy snack that it crunchy then I must recommend my favorite. You get a big plate, and put on a bunch of baby carrots, raisins (separate them so they aren't clumped together), and peanut butter. Then when you get hungry you can reach over, grab a carrot, stick it in the peanut butter, then stick it into the pile of raisins. It makes a nice bite size snack that is crunch, chewy, sweet, and savory all at once.
It is also easy to make because you just open 2 bags to dump out a bunch of carrots and raisins, then scoop out some peanut butter. It only takes 1 minute to put together a snack that can take a few hours to much through. The problem of course is that you can easily make a meal out of them as they are rather filling. Then again, it is a pretty good meal, so thats not necessarily a bad thing.