Rolzup wrote:
We've been giving the kids melatonin every night for years now, and it's been a BIG help. The little one gets .125 MGs (1/4 of a Trader Joe's chewable pill), the older one gets .25 MGs (half of the same pill), and it;s made a hell of a difference. Youngest can do without, especially if he doesn't nap on a given day, but Eldest has a much harder time falling asleep if he misses a dose. "I can't stop THINKING," he says.
We are using the Trader Joe's chewable too. So, I give him 1/2 pill as well. When I talked to the Neuro about this on Friday, he was really surprised how effective such a small dose was on him. He said it was "barely a dose" since the average dose is more like 2 or 3mg! Anyway, he said if it's working, keep doing it.
A PP suggested that going on and off of it to follow the cycle of difficult sleep pattern might not be a good idea, but our neuro actually said he thought it was fine if that's what we want to do. Honestly, he just seemed really laid back about using it in general.
Thanks everyone for all of your replies. I'm really hoping this helps us long term. My son is now asking for it at night and he tells me that he likes being able to fall asleep on his own. The other night, he actually let me walk out of the room while he was still awake. That has NEVER happened before. I am just so excited about this development.