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26 Dec 2006, 4:30 pm

en_una_isla wrote:
I just give him a buzz cut every two months (he needs it once a month but I put it off as long as possible).

Does it have to be that often?

Over summer, my and my kids don't get hair cuts and let our hair go longer, partly for some protection from sunburn. Couldn't you stretch out the time between cuts to 3 months? With longer hair, he may need to shampoo more often.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.


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29 Dec 2006, 3:01 pm

We had the police show up one fine summer day when I was cutting DS's hair in the back yard (a buzz cut - which is the haircut HE liked). DS was screaming bloody murder as he always did, yelling that I was killing him, he was bleeding to death. Oh it was tons of fun. CPS came by the next week. :)

He decided one day seeing daddy getting his hair cut at a hair place that he wanted it done there. I pulled him aside and explained that screaming, crying and general flipping out wouldn't be acceptable. He said he'd be fine, and he was. I now pay $10 a month for a haircut I could do at home for free, but it's like those credit card commercials - "hair cut that doesn't involve the police or cps - PRICELESS".

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29 Dec 2006, 3:36 pm

We tried getting my aspie son's hair cut at a shop before we knew he had AS. He was about 2 1/2 or 3 years old, and it was so sad. Even though we didn't know he had AS yet, we did know then that he had anxiety, but we decided to try it anyway... He was absolutely terrified and cried the whole time, but he didn't try to get away. After that I started giving him buzz cuts at home. He's 6 now, and I don't mind doing it as long as he doesn't mind having it short like that. I don't always do the greatest job around the edges because he tends to flinch, but he's always excited to have it done and will tell me when he thinks his hair is too long. I'm really curious to see if he'll even want longer hair or some kind of style when he's older. He gets the biggest kick out of putting hair gel in it and making it spikey (sp?) :)


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02 Jan 2007, 11:04 pm

I cut my own hair, I basically just trim the bangs, I like it long...thankfully my son doesn't seem to mind haircuts too much.

When I was little my mom always wanted it cut short...I would be fine until they took out the clippers to trim the hairs on my soon as I felt them touch my neck I would start screaming at the top of my lungs like a banshee, I was scared to death of them. Basically after about 2 episodes of that mom decided it was better to cut it at home and leave it a little longer.

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03 Jan 2007, 4:55 am

I used to like going to the hairdresser until about 4, when there was a different hairdresser and she cut off a lot of my hair. Even at that age, I liked my hair about collar length. I was always talking about getting my hair dyed purple like the usual hairdresser but have never done it once.

When I was a teenager, it was the fashion for girls to put purple rinses in their hair but I never got up the courage to do it.

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08 Jan 2007, 5:01 pm

We find Coolcuts and they are been great with my son . They have video games and movies and they work with him to get him to be use to the water spaying on his head and now they are getting working of the razor shaver now .Right now we are using sissors to cut his hair. but some day


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11 Jan 2007, 9:15 pm

my son use to be terrible at the barber shop he would never be still
he is five now and he does alot better
he still has some issues
he does not like the hair to get on his face and he tries to wipe it off (which makes it worse)
he does not like when they use clippers on the back of his neck so we try to wait till the last min. to get a hair cut

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29 Jan 2007, 1:49 pm

Oh, my son totally hates haircuts! I just use plenty of bribery to coax him through it....extra computer time, extra nintendo time, McDonald's for supper...whatever works to get through it! When he was evaluated initially in Iowa City, I was told it's typical of Aspie kids to have sensitivity issues like that.

But there is one thing worse than haircuts....and that would be toenail clippings. That's when I had MY experience with the police banging at my apartment door asking me what was wrong, and MY experience with the department of human services "inspecting" me to make sure I wasn't abusing my kids. :lol: He still, at 10 years old, screams and cries during toenail clipping sessions. He will NOT clip them on his own...that's why I have to do it! It takes me (and I'm not small) and my 6'4", 290 pound husband to hold his squirmy 52 pounds down and pry is curled in toes out to clip them. Needless to say, they get pretty long before I break down and get out the clippers!



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29 Jan 2007, 6:12 pm

Really just find a hairdresser who seems really nice and explain to them that he is autistic and to just cut with the scissors as i used to have a problem with the trimmer

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29 Jan 2007, 6:35 pm

I have to cut my sons hair at home as well he wont go to the barber shop. I give him a clipper cut #4 lenghth every 2 months.

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29 Jan 2007, 6:35 pm

I have to cut my sons hair at home as well he wont go to the barber shop. I give him a clipper cut #4 lenghth every 2 months.

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30 Jan 2007, 12:54 am

My son got his first haircut when he was 1. He screamed and cried through the entire ordeal. He's five now, and the results are much the same. I actually had a barber quit mid cut, exclaiming, "thats it! I can't cut his hair" and refused to finish the job. Since then, my husband found a barber in town that has a shop decorated with 50's style memorabilia and he gives my son a tootsie pop and a hot wheel after every cut. He still doesn't like having his hair touched but the hot wheel usually wins in the end. Now if only I could find a way to promote hand washing...

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01 Feb 2007, 4:15 pm

When my daughter was younger the first hair cut my daughter had the hair dresser went through a whole advent calender she gave her a chocolate every now and then it worked.
When she got a bit older it would be ok you need a hair but a treat would follow.
She used to run about a lot when she was nervous it wasn't easy we even got chucked out of a shoe shop once lol.
Ive found visual things useful too a story about haircut and a picture timetable and to talk through what to expect.
Now she dosn't run around but feels ill when somethings going to happen like a haircut also can self harm when she has a melt down i do try to do the same routine each time on a hair cut day to ease things.


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03 Feb 2007, 9:56 am

I usually cut my boys' hair at home. They do have sensory issues, but it was the free part that caught my eye. :lol: After a bad haircut, I decided I could mess it up for free. I've become pretty good at it, but I'm thinking about taking my younger guy to the salon again. I'm afraid the neighbors are going to hear him screaming and think I'm hurting him.


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09 Feb 2007, 5:10 am

I cut both my boys hair, thank gosh I took it in high school. My 11 yr old hates it due to SID but is getting better for me. My 7 yr old is still running from me.


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11 Feb 2007, 12:30 pm

I hate the feeling of other people pulling their fingers through my hair. It just freaks me out. That, and the hairstylists always want to make idle chit-chat, which also bugs me lol.

And I have a very real fear of the spritz bottle when they are wetting your hair before they cut it. OMG that thing is seriously EVIL. lol Even if they go "1,2,3..." it still freaks me out and I always jerk away and yelp. The feeling of the water going in my ear is the most scary feeling I've ever known. It's like "Death is imminent if the water goes in your ear". I've rarely made it past that stage, so if I absolutely must get it cut or styled, then I always take a shower and drive to the place.

That and how the barber/hair dresser always hold the scissors like she's going to stab me through my skull like a hungry giant who hasn't eaten in a few days. ;^)

I haven't had my hair cut in over a year. I just can't stand it.

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