I devoloped that later in life -- around 15 and knew to do it only in my mind.
-it means he has learnt some adult traits and is using them , but did not learn about keeping it to himself....or he just may not care
today I use this as a 'teaching aid' --oh teachers do it all the time, asking the class and waiting for the respoce(with theclass thinking it's rhetorical)
different voice - yes.... guess where he learnt it from - TV!
I am pretty sure when I first started doing it it was the same voice, same character, same tone, same context.... I think I started copying TV though .. idiots like Joey off of friends , those character driven ecentrics. I think subconsciencouly I wanted to copy the eccentric characters embodied on TV, and have 'learnt' to mimmick their traits. I have now gone one step higher, where I now occasionally and indirecly accidently start playing out social sceanarios in my head, and I will change the voice of the answers by the other person, and sometimes confuse which voice was the question asker and responder in longer conversations.
-I have heard that NT's talk to themselves in their head,,, but they usually are talking in thier own voice when it's about them , and not even construct the phrase if it is not themselves. - ie, an AS will not only have the conscience talking to them, but they will construct thier thought process as verbal conversations.....
eg. NT buying milk when driving home from work.... "I have to buy milk on the way home" will usually get truncated too "I have to buy Milk" or "the mrs wants me to buy milk"
AS buying milk ====''''''''==== ......"Should I buy Milk"/ans/"Yes I will" - extrapolated "I think I should buy milk, should I buy milk, nah I'l get it tommorow, Oh the cat, yeah allright I think I should buy milk the cat needs it, and I could do with some for my crunchie oo's, ahh I hate crunchi oo' I'll just get some bacon and eggs" - the milk never gets bought.