Confirmed ASD @ 19 months!
Thank you all so very much for your replies.
The reason we have to wait till Feb is that no-one can do a definitive diagnosis/assessment for us till then, even though the particular specialist we are going through wishes they could see us sooner.
In the meantime though, the Paed has confirmed he is on the spectrum and there is no doubt in anyone's mind that he is quite high up there on the spectrum indeed.
There is no way I will be following my GP's suggestion to throw him into daycare and force him to adjust. I will be doing everything I can to make my son feel secure, safe and loved - not thrown in the deep end and forced to 'change'.
I do spend a LOT of time with him out in nature and at the playgrounds. He pretty much ignores other kids and the play equipment (except to bang on it like drums every now and then) but being outside is where he is happiest. In the wind, looking at the tree's.
I am trying to get us into an ASD playgroup but they are all on at his naptime and if I mess with his schedule it ruins everything.
I'm looking at the different therapies and considering finding the best OT and speech therapist even before we get the final diagnosis and funding etc.
This board is such a haven for me right now, looking up things I am wondering about on a daily basis. It's great to have this resourse.
Hi Shadownhunter,
I realise it has been a year since your post but I wanted to check in and say hi. My twins are 18 months and currently being diagnosed with ASD. I am in Melbourne, Australia too and so I know your predicament with most treatment being funded out of pocket. I have been reading the early start denver model and floortime books and am starting a home program with some occupational therapy students I have hired (to get us up to 20 hours a week, one on one, since I can't work with both twins at the same time) and we are seeing an OT and speechie fortnightly.
I'm very keen to talk to other parents who had diagnosis so early (especially local). would love to hear how you are going.