She sounds a lot like me when I was a kid. I had absolutely no concern for what I was wearing (as long as it was comfortable) until I was about 11. I would forget to brush my hair, and not notice if there was dirt on my face. I was VERY messy, could not do a cartwheel, ran the wrong way playing tag, clumsy, and was the kind of kid who would get lost walking around my own block. I was also very social, read well above grade level and loved to write. I have also always been able to read between the social lines well. I do not feel I am on the spectrum. I do think I have (still do) executive functioning issues, motor issues and attention issues. I suspect I have mild ADD. I have taken some of those online ASD tests, and I always score as more "not neurotypical" than "neurotypical", but not enough to be on the spectrum. I think many family members of autistic people are somewhat BAP.