any other parents get nervous about school starting again?

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25 Jul 2007, 8:47 am

Yeah, nervous here too. It was a rough year last year, and I requested a teacher for my son. Don't know if he'll get her, but hey, I asked anyway. :lol:


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25 Jul 2007, 11:33 am

I just found out today that we are not going to get the teacher we asked for, she is teaching a different grade this year, hoping to find out this week who we do get, they are not posting the list until Friday but the resource teacher is going to see if she can find out ahead of time for me, (she is awesome!).

NT mom of two ASD boys

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25 Jul 2007, 11:46 am

middle school was VERY rocky for us....hope it goes better for you !


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25 Jul 2007, 3:24 pm

This may be a long post with appreciation of comments from your experiences. And please read between the lines of what I mean, because I have some trouble when it's not involving electronics or computers in language. Also I'm having a severe form of rosacea that has chewed away one eye, and I still hasn't get used to it so mostly I type with eyes closed and sunglasses on (!) and a setting of the screen to lowest possible light intensity.

I've been through three kids now, going to school when it's starting. It's almost as disturbing as ending school for the season, because the whole rythm gets wrong. We have the same problem with the one-week-vacations because it takes one week to get into that rythm, and one week to resettle rythm.

Every change of environment has been a hell. Changes of teachers, changes of schedules, changes of food, preparing them for occasions outside normal schedule, doing things on a instant impulse.

We've fortunately a very understanding principal, and teachers, that has seen the trouble our kids have when things goes out of schedule and expectations. We normaly try to keep about a week ahead to inform and explain why and reasons of deciissons and so on and mostly that works well.

Once my midst son got the wrong food for one weekday in first class and simply refused to eat in school. He didn't trust the food, because normaly he would have fish sticks instead of sausage, potatoes and vegetables. It was wrong, and not expected. We've talked a lot about this with the staff, so they simply leaved him alone, thank god, because he didn't trust the food, he walked away from the table and readied his adrenaline injector. He's so fu***** tired of hospitalization that he rather shoot himself with the adrenaline instead of spending two days in intensive care and questions everything eatable offered to him. He has 5 dishes repeated exactly every week in school, and if they mess the scheme up, he simply refuses to eat. Because he can't trust the food.

We have had several incidents with foods supplied by the school. It's lurky, because some allergenes like cowmilkproteine takes about seconds before he needs adrenaline and intensive care, and then there's soy proteine and likes, that gives a reaction after about 6 hours. I've been using adrenaline injectors. He has taken adrenaline by himself. And he hates the taste of hydrocortisone tablets dilluted in water, and when the ambulance arrives he asks every time if they can bring a couple of movies from "that" section of the hospital because it's so boring having a finger clip and have to pee in bed.

Then I have my other male kid, that has AS én extremë and doesn't mind anything, except that he's allergic to maize, cow milk, fish, all four seeds, and just about anything and simply can't get the connection with him going bad and a allergic reaction. But instead multiplies 6 randomly chosen numbers faster than you can type them into a calculator. He has a adapted class, and is on CNS, He's going to have a personal 18/5 assistant when he starts 1:st grade this autumn. It's no problem with school, just that he has to take a break every 20th minute to clean his head.

Myself I hated school after 9:th grade because "i had to do things". Before that I was more free to do what I liked. I hated college. So I flunked. Before 9th year in school i was a "4.9 of 5" then I dropped to a "-1 of five". I simply couln't cope with the educational system. This was loong before I was suspected to have a authistic problem and loong before I got kids and Loong before i found my ex that lived with me for almost 20 years, and I stil is a hangaround at and my kids and her is a hangaround at my place.

When the learning methods changed betwen 9th grade and 1:st senior I simply short circuited. I couldn't understand what the teachers said on the lessons. I'd rather read my books, in my own pace, with the subjects I prefered to read about. I had ONE teacher that tried to help me out with my problem, because he saw that what I learned on the lessons and what I learned myself was completely different. I learned what I thought I would have use of, or needed to know to do something right then.

I was almost expelled from school for a period until that teacher jumped in and said that he didn't believe I was a troublemaker. I never made any trouble. I was nice to everybody and had a keen eye for spotting people having social problems so I ended up being in the students council (?). I almost got beaten a couple of times, teased and bullied for being a person that didn't give a damn wether my friends was "social lowlife" or "spoiled castle owners". I took four years of a "speedy lane to university studies" and never ever collected a damn grade during those years. I burned them. The originals. Never has given me any problem when applying for a position yet....

This was 20+ years ago, and I got so tired of the whole darn school that I asked for transfer to another place where I felt just as miserable, except it was a larger school and that I ended up handling both computer programming lectures and the electronics lab and got a 5/5 grade for my special work in both computers, digital electronics, and analogue sound processing. (it was as simple that I wrote software for a design for a lownoise 8bit paralell port mono sampler for the Amiga, but it had HiFi quality, I later sold the rights of it to a company for a lousy sum of money and a lousy royalty per unit). Later I modified the device slightly and got a friend to make a assembly and we sold a hell of a lot of them until the chip taking care of the A/D converter suddenly no longer was manufactured. Sigh.

I've been having a very interesting life and still has, It doesn't bother me that I'm "living alone" because my kids mostly rumble in every day, I've hacked the elevator in the building, and the tumble dryer, cable tv system, and has free wireless internet on a 11Mbps link nowadays. And a work that allows me to live here, pay the allowance, and afforded to give a house to my ex, with a education that legaly is 9 years and pre-school. So just because you momentarily suck in normal school doesn't mean you're stupid. Now it's Pizza time.


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25 Jul 2007, 5:01 pm

Not too nervous this year, grade 5, stoll in Elemantary school. They've finally gotten used to Z and his IEP for this year is already in place. Cor already has required school supplies, just need to shop for some chlothes ( I keep telling her "don't feed them and they won't grow").

I'm just going to put on the boxing gloves and wait for the inevitable. :lol:

Aspies, the next step in evolution?


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25 Jul 2007, 5:54 pm

Corsarzs wrote:
Not too nervous this year, grade 5, stoll in Elemantary school. They've finally gotten used to Z and his IEP for this year is already in place. Cor already has required school supplies, just need to shop for some chlothes ( I keep telling her "don't feed them and they won't grow").

I'm just going to put on the boxing gloves and wait for the inevitable. :lol:

My sentiments exactly. I am sort of looking forward to the boxing gloves for some reason. Maybe I'm bored since there hasn't been much stress at our house recently. :? And I am looking forward to walking into the school with the new assessments and saying, "What did I tell you?"

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26 Jul 2007, 2:29 pm

I am very worried about sending my son back to school. Since he was in 2nd grade I become sick to my stomach each time it is time for him to go to school. He is going into 4th grade this year and last year was a very, very bad year.

DS has had the same group of boys bullying him since 2nd grade and the school does nothing.
Every time ds is beat up the school blames ds for getting beat up. The worst incident happened when there was a substitute teacher, this group of boys were in his class and knew they could go after ds when teacher was gone so they attacked him and beat him up in front of the sub and she did nothing but watch. School blamed ds because he reacted badly and tried to fend off the attackers.

This year the other boys are not suppose to be in his class but that will not provide him any protection at recess. (I even tried to get him to have an assistant during recess to keep an eye on things and they said no :x ) I feel a little better only because this summer I met another parent whose son was beat up by the same group of boys and her son is NT and the school blamed her son for getting beat up. I have met two other families that have had to pull their children from the same school because of the same problems.

Since talking to these families I am going to to talk to the special ed teacher about getting my boys out of that school because I can not go through what we went through last year. I have tried to get the school administration to help and was told that the principle could run her school however she wanted, they were no help at all. I had tried to get them to transfer son to different school last year but they swore that this year would be better and that we would just run into the same problems at another school because of ds having asperger's and him being the way he is makes him an easy target.

To say the least I am very worried about school starting up.


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27 Jul 2007, 1:00 am

prayers to you and ds galileosstar!! Hope this year is better!

NT mom of two ASD boys

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29 Jul 2007, 4:32 pm

My Son J start's senior school and i am so dreading it.
J dos'nt seem ready 4 senior school, he's too young ( in mind ). My non aspie teenager breezed through it. I'm so worried about J.

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31 Jul 2007, 9:32 pm

Gosh, I am soooooo nervous. This will be his 1st year back after 2 years of homeschool, he skipped a grade in that time. So he'll be the youngest in his class. He has been taking some tutoring since his test taking skills are poor. Had a meltdown over a cup that broke while there. Really, has me worried about school now. Then, we are trying to get him into a different elementary school than he attended before. He had such a bad experience before that he doesn't want to go back. Filled out paper work today at the other school. Got home tonight and had a phone call from the principal that she wants to talk to me about his application. On 1 form they asked about other medical conditions I put down AS, 'cuz I didn't want to hide anything, although Dr wants to wait and see how he does on his own (1st 9 weeks maybe) being back w/o IEP or really saying anything. My stomach is in a knot right now. I really want him to go to that other school.


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01 Aug 2007, 9:22 am

last year I ended up with an ulcer because it was so stressful starting back and doing the IEP etc. We were newly diagnosed then, I have been Zantac twice a day for a week now!! We had our open house last night, and the teacher has had a student once before with AS so she is at least familiar with it, she seemed nice and agreeable to working with me, so we will see.....

NT mom of two ASD boys

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02 Aug 2007, 6:38 pm

I have twins going into first grade....Max is an Aspie, Gabe is "normal"...take that for what its worth I guess.... My daughter is also starting kindergarten this year. My stomach is in KNOTS. New school district, new kids, new teachers, new routine....

It can't be any worse than last year I 'suppose. From Max being misdiagnosed as having just ADHD and a teacher who liked to put him into a wooden chair (like a high chair on the floor) to make him sit still and pay attention....then there was the phone call about Max not wearing any underwear....again....and how that isn't good that I let him not wear any and how I had to MAKE him wear socks. Sorry can't make Max wear something that drives him nuts...besides...I've never heard of anyone dying from not wearing one or the other....

I had Max in reading tutoring this summer. I'm hoping this will help give him a leg up because he was struggling something awful last year. He knows his sight words and loves his tutor.

BTW...Hi! I'm new here! So far I'm kicking myself in the butt for not finding it sooner!


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02 Aug 2007, 6:43 pm

I am worried about school-being a drop out-I need to go back sometime...
I am terrified-my family are thinking of moving in October and I don't know whether to go to Adult High School or normal High School
I am so frazzled 'bout the whole thing
(if anyone has any advise please share) :P

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03 Aug 2007, 2:38 pm

I'm terrified about school starting. My son is entering kindergarten (an Austistic Support class) and I'm worried about his meltdowns and anxiety. Preschool was stomach was in knots the entire year.


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04 Aug 2007, 12:36 am

I know! I'm taking Zantac every day twice a day!! !

NT mom of two ASD boys

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for everyone you meet is
fighting some kind of battle".

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04 Aug 2007, 2:37 am

jaleb wrote:
School is getting ready to start here next week and I get so nervous about it that I really feel sick about it... ... I hate it!

This is the 'first' year that I really feel, well, just like most that are here posting to this thread: "I really feel sick about it".

I've spent the last four months seeking alternatives to 'mainstream' schools. Our State, Washington, seems to be one of the least 'friendly' towards ASD's, or most 'Daft'.

My alternatives are a couple of Sudbury Schools in our area, which might suffice, though they are private, and unless you got $$$, well, not an option.

I know parents in our area that have tried 'Home-schooling' with some success, and failure. Some helped their kids 'over' the crucial periods when socialization stresses are high, other parents fell further behind; A lot of parents don't have the 'band-width' for home-schooling -- yours-truly included...

I'm zeroing-in on 'Charter' schools that offer alternatives in education, and have curriculum towards much needed 'social learning' that is necessary for some kids. Problem is, Washington State has the distinction of 'hath no charter schools' ;-( . WA is one of about ten remaining no-got States.... too bad because the best part of 'Charter' is that they are funded with public dollars, not mine.

Our neighboring State of Oregon has a Charter school system(CS). I read a ‘Five-year-review’ by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) about their CS that reported positive results.

The State of Ohio might have a good implementation of a ‘Charter’ system, with schools especially for AS/ADHD. And paid for! I'd like to hear from parents about what they think of these schools. Ohio? are you there?

So, I’m out of luck, but what about everybody else here? How’s your State/District?

I would like to know where the better areas are? States? Countries? Dare I say 'Worlds' -- that recognize, what is not recognized in my State.

I'd sure like to see a 'User friendly list' if one exists.

Topic for a new thread: ‘Grade your School District / State’. Mine just got an ‘F’ in acknowledging ASD's.

Regards, Beammeup

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