The BRAG about your Aspie thread!

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 May 2007, 10:19 am

May I join in on the fun? =)

My Aspie scored a 97% on the state assessments in Math!


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08 May 2007, 10:29 am

My son (12) walks his sister to school without complaint, and always takes the responsibility very seriously making sure she is safe and happy, even though he often does not get along with her.

It is only a block and a half away (still in sight of the house) but it is a huge help considering I have the wild two year old at home!


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08 May 2007, 2:37 pm

T2 got an award this week for "Most Improved Student for the Reporting Period". He was failing last grade. It is amazing what can happen when things come together for these kids!! It was such a self-esteem boost for him!! :D And there are 250 students in his grade. HE IS AWESOME!! !


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08 May 2007, 3:12 pm

That is fantastic! I bet he is thrilled!


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08 May 2007, 3:35 pm

He came in the house grinning from ear-to-ear, he handed me the certificate, and went to play his role-playing game. The fact that he didn't go stare out the living room window at the trees for 15 minutes like usual told me just how excited he was. He even let me brag about it to family. He usually tells me not to talk about him. Isn't it funny how we can read them even though they don't speak in the usual way!

Tufted Titmouse
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08 May 2007, 11:01 pm

I love reading all the good things our kids have done/do! :D

Blessedmom, your story really touched me! It's so nice to see a "victory" like that!


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09 May 2007, 11:06 am

My son loving, he loves to snuggle on the couch and loves to play almost ANY game if I play too.

He is brilliant and can be cuttingly funny. He has a keen interest in travel and can be some incredibly polite and kind to strangers.

When he feels someone has attacked his little sister, he is the first to stand up for her!! !! !

He really does try to please me. He really does try hard...........

These are only a few of the reasons why raising him is one of the most worth while things I do.


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09 May 2007, 11:30 am

My son is smarter than I am, reads better than most adults, knows more about history than I do, and just leveled up to 21 on WoW! :lol:


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27 Jul 2007, 9:22 pm

wow people actually brag about they're kids
All I could ever wish for from my parents is
"Peter didn't bother us today" :roll:


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01 Aug 2007, 12:29 am

I am so proud of my 13 year old, T2!! :D

We started having vehicle trouble this afternoon while he, lil' girl and I were out shopping. We were on one of the busiest streets in the city during supper rush hour and had to pull off into an empty parking lot by an abandoned motorcycle shop. Some pretty scary people walk through where we were stuck. I forgot my cell phone at home and had no way of calling anyone. I had the hood up and not one person stopped.

T2 suddenly volunteered to go and get his step-dad from where he works, 8 blocks away. I wanted to say no but I just asked if he knew how to get there and how far it was. He said he did. (We rarely go downtown but he never forgets a location once he has been there.)

Now, this is a child who stands behind me whenever we go anywhere and rarely goes anywhere alone so I was shocked that he seemed so eager to go. Well, go he did, across 2 busy intersections and down the busiest avenue in the city. He made it to my husbands office in less than 10 minutes but then he is the fastest walker I have ever met.

We got the van working enough to get home and as my husband was following me, I lost him. He was so proud of T2 that they stopped at the corner store and got his all-time favorite treat, a slushie with ice cream on top.

I am still amazed at the self-confidence he has been building since his diagnosis in February. God, I love that kid!!

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13 Aug 2007, 3:02 am

My three year old aspie daughter makes me proud to be her mom. She's so caring and kind. She wants to be a veterinarian and "make all the sick animals feel better". She has a doctor kit and "fixes" animals for hours, taking their blood pressure and giving them band-aids.

She's the best older sibling I've ever met. From the time her baby brother was born, she thought he belonged to her. She hugs him and tells him she loves him all the time, cautions him to be careful when he should and so on. She's always running for powder, wipes and diapers when she knows he needs changed for nap. She's a really good kid.

And smart! At three, she can turn on the computer, open Word, type the entire alphabet in ORDER without missing a letter. She can also type her name, her brother's name, mom, dad, cat, spider. She can play computer card games that give ME difficulty! She memorizes entire books and "reads them" to us, word for word! She speaks in long, clear sentences, and no one can believe her age. We always hear, "She's so grown up, she speaks so well!" We feed her thirst for reading by taking a trip to the library for a set of new books to learn every two weeks. She'll be starting preschool this fall, and it's all she can talk about :)

They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.


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15 Aug 2007, 2:33 pm

OK...I'll brag about my Aspie son! Last week, in less than 5 minutes, he was able to completely remove every last "jet" from our backyard hot tub, line them all up along the rim of the hot tub, and as an added bonus - he completely took apart two of those jets.


Turns out - he can put them all back together and into the hot tub as quickly as he can remove them!! :lol:

Emu Egg
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07 Sep 2007, 1:52 am

:D My 8 year old son with AS is 'quirky'. He is a beautiful big brother and a loving son. He is absolutely incredible at riding a skateboard on ramps (self taught) and snow skied for the 1st time without a single lesson! He tells people the positives of having AS and actually told his Aunty (expecting 1st bub) that he hopes the baby has AS like him! :o

Snowy Owl
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07 Sep 2007, 8:52 am

My 10 year old is an extremely bright, inquisitive, deep, complicated kid. He always makes me think about things in a different way. He is a voracious reader but likes cartoons too. He likes to calculate things like how many seconds in a year (in his head) for fun and yet also loves to sometimes be silly and just "be 10". He is becoming very adventurous (went down the HUGE body slides at our local waterpark) - Went off the diving board at the local pool a million times this summer. Never say never. I love him more than words can say.


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17 Feb 2008, 6:47 am

Im extremely smart


thats what they tell me

oh yea :D lol...

queer creative in Australia

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04 Aug 2008, 1:57 pm

My son, who will turn 9 on Wednesday, is reading the Complete Collected ( science fiction ) Short Stories of Philip K Dick! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

He has been reading more and more and more since he finally started reading a year and a half ago; Narnia, The Hobbit, The Dark is Rising, Enid Blyton of course, and other things, and then today at the cafe where I was having my morning smoking ritual in the sunshine and reading one of the five Dick volumes he began reading a story over my shoulder and didn't want to stop so I passed it to him. Recovered it later and gave him the first volume. He is finding them very thought provoking. :) :wink: :D


He is also brilliant at drawing diagrammatic pictures, very detailed, fantasy scenes, and copies from computer game-screens.

I discovered recently on drawing his and his papa's horoscopes that he has a Grand Cross, and not just two pairs of planets in opposition at right angles to each other but the cross they form is aligned almost exactly with the cross of the horizontal Ascendant-Descendant line and vertical Midheaven line, which makes for a very strong cross indeed. The Grand Cross, especially in 4 "fixed" signs as his is, indicates fierce loyalty/allegiances ( check) , aswell as determination, persistence and stubborn courage ( check), ( though also considerable inflexibility/rigidity ( check) and rejection of the unexpected ( check) . :wink:

He is full of ideas and energy. And can be very protective of people who he thinks need help. Also wonderfully affectionate.

There, brag for the day over! :D


Last edited by ouinon on 05 Aug 2008, 6:09 am, edited 2 times in total.