As you may or may not be aware, I have been working on writing a book. I just finished it this morning, and I am reviewing it now. I don't like the way the chapter on socializing ends, so I am rewriting that, but I should be done some time today.
Anyways, I am looking for some feedback on the book. It is currently 163 pages long, and it answers most of the questions that a parent has about autism. Things like:
What is autism
What causes it
What to do about it
How does an autistic person think
What causes the problems
How to deal with the problems
What to do about socializing
what to do about stimming
what treatment programs and medications are there and which ones should you get
should you tell your child that they are autistic
what long term plans should you have
and so forth.
It is basically autism 101. It doesn't cover everything that every parent needs to know, but it tries to handle the most common questions that parents ask themselves.
What I am looking for is some parents who are willing to read through the book, and offer their opinion. Now to be clear, I am not asking for anybody to go through and edit the book. You don't need to look for grammatical mistakes, or misspellings. And you don't need to critique the paragraph structure. I am not asking you to grade an essay. What I am looking for is just your basic thoughts on the book, and what if anything you would like changed.
For example, good feedback might be something like:
On page 28 you talked about the difficulty with speech, could you please offer more analogies and explain this better. I still don't understand what you mean.
Or perhaps something like:
I think you need to add more information in to your book about how to make effective routines, and schedules. I found the information to be lacking.
Or maybe even:
Your choice of words on page 10 seems too aggressive, and you might be scaring people off. Consider revising that section.
Basically, I would just like you to read through the book, and maybe take a few minutes after each chapter to write down anything that you feel needs to be changed, explained better, or modified in some way.
This should only take you a few hours at most, so if you sit down and find yourself spending 2 hours per chapter writing full length essays about each page then you are going a bit too far. I am just looking for general feedback. That way I can take the feedback, and change the book before I put it up for download on the internet.
I am hopefully going to finish the book and have it available for download by the end of this month (perhaps later), so if you want to help me out, then please do get back to me in less then 2 weeks.
Anyways, if you are interested in helping me out and getting an advanced copy of the book, then please do PM me your email address (or leave it in a response) and I will email the book to you once I finish it tonight. If you don't want to see the rough draft, then just wait and I should have it finished and ready for open release by the end of the month.