As a rule, I try not to complain about my 4 kids, and I generally enjoy them all. I can deal with all of the AS and the rigid thinking and having to plan and schedule around the needs of all of them. This morning, however, I just don't know if I'm going to make it through their adolescence. I want to lock myself in a room, have a good cry and stay there until they are 30. And I was warned that they would become more rigid as they got older, but I didn't realize just what that meant.
My 16 year old isn't bad. As long as his brown hoodies and beige pants are clean in the morning and he has time for his get ready routine, he is easy to live with. He doesn't have meltdowns anymore and can carry on a decent conversation. He's doing well.
The 13 year old is going to drive me crazy, and unfortunately, he's the one who is lowest on the spectrum. He has to have his pancakes every morning, he has to wait outside the bathroom door to say good morning to me before he can begin eating. He has to sit on the couch and watch the weather on the news. The list goes on and on. He is also the first one to be ready for school every day. The bad part is that he then follows us all around to make sure that we are doing things the way we are supposed to and we are following the rules. He goes on and on and on about things as silly as his sister wearing 2 different socks (all the rage in gr.2 these days). I tried to spend 5 extra minutes in the washroom just to get a break, but there he was giving me the low down on his sister through the door.
He has also decided that he is NOT wearing a coat or gloves or a hat to walk to school. We live in Canada. It was -3C this morning, which he knew because he watched the weather and gave me his report. He normally gets a ride from his grandma but this morning he decided to walk. After trying to get through to him for 45 minutes about why he needs a coat, I finally told him he had a choice, wear a coat and walk or wear a hoodie only and wait for a ride. He said he was walking, without a coat. He went on and on. He kept asking me why. He knows why, we've been having this conversation almost every morning for 2 weeks. When I got angry and told him to leave the room because I was done talking about it, he asked me what he did wrong. He knew what it was because as usual I made it very clear. That tells me that this isn't all about the AS, it's also about being stubborn teenager and being difficult on purpose.
I am really at my wits end with him. He used to be a great kid, and he followed the rules to a "T". He was quiet. Now he never stops nagging, at me, at his siblings, at the dogs if we all tell him we need to be left alone for awhile. And there is not one therapist that is useful. They all say the same thing, ignore, ignore, ignore. How do you ignore a 5' 10", teen with a deep booming voice when he is following you around and just will not stop. I am really surprised that his brothers haven't walloped him. Many other children would have. And there are no disciplinary measures that work because he is not attached to anything. Even the computer that he loves so much, can be forfeited if he wants his way. He just doesn't care.
If anyone has any ideas, I would sure appreciate them. And please don't give me the "He should listen because it's his job." or the "make him listen". He's 13, neither one of those works at 13.
It would be nice to have father figure that could help me out here but his dad lives 200 miles away, and is the "fun" guy, no rules, no worries. That really doesn't help at all.
Sorry for the rant! I'm just having one of those bad days. Things will improve,eventually, I hope. If not I don't know how I'm going to get through the next 7 years with him.
"It is what it is until it isn't. Then it's something altogether different."