I agree with both perspectives; that of AS being a genetically determined neurological difference, ( maybe acted on/interacted with by chemical and other epigenetic factors in very early life, incl in-utero ) , but also that society makes difference into disability/disorder.
I think that most of the problems that AS children experience in school are the result of school being adapted to/"enabling for" certain neurological types, ( NT ), and that society until 100 years ago was more sympathetic to AS "personality"/differences; slower, quieter, with more clearly codified social behaviour, relatively established lifelong career structures, etc etc.
Aspergers/AS etc are just names that society has given to behaviours, ( that it has chosen to group/bracket together ), behaviours to which society is not currently adapted/is not currently enabling, and which are thus disadvantaged.
A teacher somewhere, ( see John Taylor Gatto's site on schools), admitted openly, if not in writing, to a visiting psychologist that a boy in her class diagnosed with ADHD was probably just chronically and painfully bored, but that this is "not acceptable", is labelled a disorder, in our society, because, as the teacher said, children have to learn to handle boredom because otherwise no hope in the job market.
Last edited by ouinon on 11 Sep 2008, 9:51 am, edited 3 times in total.