think my 3yr old may have Aspergers - please help
AuntyCC wrote:
Your son sounds like a fun kid who can do very well in life. He's got loads going for him, and in the old days all of twenty years ago, he would have simply been described as a bright kid with a bunch of eccentricities. One way or another he would have got through school and college and might have ended up as professor of something. Or not, of course. Nowadays, you might get him assessed and monitored and get some intervention which might help to ensure that he does well in life. Or not... I'd check out what is available to you and how helpful it is and I would not start the process unless I was sure there are no pitfalls. From bitter experience I have learnt that there can be harm in getting an eval.
Just one question that I have is you describe some odd knowledge (hexagons?) for such a young kid, and you describe asking him to put letters in order and so on. So it sounds like you have coached him in these very academic skills. Maybe you yourself can coach him a little bit in the 'Semantic Pragmatic' aspects of conversation. A book I have found helpful is called "The Unwritten Rules of Friendship" (look up on Amazon) you would recognise him in the chapter on "The Little Adult". Hope this helps, and good luck.
Just one question that I have is you describe some odd knowledge (hexagons?) for such a young kid, and you describe asking him to put letters in order and so on. So it sounds like you have coached him in these very academic skills. Maybe you yourself can coach him a little bit in the 'Semantic Pragmatic' aspects of conversation. A book I have found helpful is called "The Unwritten Rules of Friendship" (look up on Amazon) you would recognise him in the chapter on "The Little Adult". Hope this helps, and good luck.
Hi, thanks all for replies...
in response to the comment about odd knowledge - i agree... but that is not through me forcing it on to him. Ben is constantly asking questions. The hexagon/pentagon thing started when he saw a pentagon on a poster in a book shop and he asked me what it was. then at a later date he saw a picture of a hexagon and said "oh look mummy a pentagon" and i told him that it was like a pentagon but this one is called a hexagon and I explained about eh different number of sides.
Thats all it takeswith Ben - if he sees something that isn't familiar he asks me and I tell him!
Its like with oval and circle.I only told him what an oval is because he saw it in a book and told me its not a circle because its too squashy.
I will definately look up the book you mentioned - thanks for that.
Roxas_XIII wrote:
He does sound like he may have some Asperger's tendencies, but that is not necessarily a death sentence. Some pediatricians/psychologists/other assorted hacks will try to convince you that he will have trouble constantly and never be able to function properly in the real world, but this is a load of bullcrap. Given your description of him he seems to be very high-functioning if he is AS at all. Brilliant mind, with a few eccentricities, that pretty much sums up some of the worlds most sucessful people. So don't listen to the hacks, listen to your kid, figure out what he wants to become in life and help him however you can, and if he doesn't end up a sucessful adult, I'll slap myself.
Lol - at the moment he is set on being a drummer!! He wants to play on the stage in church!
I am seeing the GP this morningto chat through my concerns - I'll let you know what she says