Food is my hobby, and so when my son was born I did a lot of reading about kids and feeding. A book I found particularly helpful was "Child of Mine" by Ellyn Satter. She has a lot of resources, pertinent to this conversation is this post on her website about "picky Eaters"
All kids go through a picky phase, and it's important for parents to remember how physical this is: they are, at any given moment, missing or losing teeth throughout their childhood. I know that AS sensory issues go beyond that, but they have to be compounded by "weird" feelings of teeth being lost.
One strategy while my son was going through his picky phase: I never short-order cooked or provided separate food for him - but I did make sure that at least one of the foods we ate was something he'd eat. For instance, pasta was a frequent side dish - or broccoli, which he could tolerate - and dinner was not up for discussion. If he made a meal of that one thing, so be it, but it made things a lot easier on me, and I think just having the other food on the dish helped him - right now, as far as eating goes, he is the most adventurous 10yo I know.
For other issues, if he makes dinner unpleasant for us by whining, throwing food or utensils or yelling, either he leaves the table and eats by himself, or we do. We've only had to do that once or twice.