These are the type of people representing Autism
liloleme.. your last post popped up while I was writing.. LOL
On the topic of why people think autism is worse than cancer and all that.. I dont understand that either and I sooo agree with you that the media propaganda is just harmful here. If I had known what autism was i would have recognized it in my daughter when she was a toddler / preschooler instead of learning about it when she is 10 but the media just sensationalizes the worse cases so everyone thinks autism is non speaking non functioning etc. I would love to see more accurate information out there.
Michelle K. - OCD, undiagnosed Aspergers
Mom to Jordan age 10 - Sensory Integration Disorder, undiagnosed Aspergers, Diabetes, JRA
Last edited by squirrelflight-77 on 10 Aug 2011, 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
When the Dutch government gave out vaccines for the swine flu, there were all kinds of conspiracies that the vaccine contained a microchip which would allow the government to track everyone who took the vaccine.
Moral of the story: people believe stupid things (I think that story is actually even stupider than the vaccines-->autism story). Whenever someone says something stupid, I try to educate them. But these basket cases are hopeless and we are better off ignoring them or trying to have a stronger voice than them.
"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
AQ: 40/50
EQ: 17/50
SQ: 72/80 (Extreme Synthesiser)
Aspie test: about 150/200 Aspie, about 40/200 NT
As far as Autism goes, in every sense of the word, we are still learning. Its too bad I didnt get any help then maybe I wouldnt be so darn irritating !
I just think we should try to follow the truth, stick to the science and not the conspiracy theories. Im not saying that we as human beings on this planet are not being poisoned because we are. One of my most obsessive special interests is the deterioration of our oceans eco system and the slaughter and cruel captivity of cetaceans.
If you want to find the largest concentration of methyl mercury (not to mention many other toxins) look in the oceans large fish such as tuna and salmon....and of course whales and dolphins as they eat these fish. Its a chain, the mercury is pumped into the ocean from coal burning power plants and the fish are poisoned, then they are eaten by us and the larger apex predators.
We treat our oceans like a big dumping ground, think of all of the oil spills, the garbage, the detergents used to clean the oil spills.
People in Japan are eating dolphin and whale meat (the numbers are going down but there are still many that are)....there is already signs of damage being done and people refuse to feed it to their children. If you watch the documentary The Cove you will see that some counsel members of Taiji (where they do the largest slaughters of dolphins) blocked the free dolphin meat that was to be given in schools. It is said that the children in Japanese schools are forced to eat all the food that is given them.
When these counsel members saw the reports of the high levels of mercury in the dolphin meat they stood up and did something about it as they both had children in schools in the area. They also, in the doc, did hair samples of the fishermen and some of the people who claimed to eat dolphin meat.....the levels of mercury in the hair samples were very high.
Slaughter and consumption of cetaceans and large fish should be obviously stopped for health reasons (think about this the next time you buy a can of tuna) and it is also ethically wrong to kill these mammals who are so much like us. They are undoubtedly intelligent and they have strong attachments and family bonds to each other. They also have respect for us and there have been many stories of dolphins saving humans.....yet we kill them because they are only animals. Who is the real animal?
Anyway its easier to blame vaccines because you can prevent them....we cant stop eating and drinking can we?
Last edited by liloleme on 10 Aug 2011, 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Moral of the story: people believe stupid things (I think that story is actually even stupider than the vaccines-->autism story). Whenever someone says something stupid, I try to educate them. But these basket cases are hopeless and we are better off ignoring them or trying to have a stronger voice than them.
Thats funny....and I agree with you. In the post that the Father put up later people were coming out with even crazier things like the clamping of your babies cord and saying that people with autism have larger brains due to lack of O2 at birth (swelling), I think swelling typically goes down but who wants to argue with something that silly?
I want to apologize, but I can not read your big, long post. Or anybody elses when they get large either. So, I am not able to read as one big bunch like that. If there are paragraphs or small sections, I can read fine. I even have a hard time with books. Just can't stay focused on the words.
I need to have good paragraphs or small snippets. Odd because i can't write a proper paragraph for hte life of me.
So, if I've missed something, please do not be offended.
6 year old boy with PDD-NOS
7year old girl with ADD, but has been very manageable
Me: Diagnosed bi-polar, medicated for 20 years now.
6 year old boy with PDD-NOS
7year old girl with ADD, but has been very manageable
Me: Diagnosed bi-polar, medicated for 20 years now.
I want to apologize, but I can not read your big, long post. Or anybody elses when they get large either. So, I am not able to read as one big bunch like that. If there are paragraphs or small sections, I can read fine. I even have a hard time with books. Just can't stay focused on the words.
I need to have good paragraphs or small snippets. Odd because i can't write a proper paragraph for hte life of me.
So, if I've missed something, please do not be offended.
Its actually very common. One of my older daughters has dyslexia and ADD and she can not read anything longer than a few sentences unless she takes ritalin or drinks a pot of coffee.
Also a lot of people can not focus on what they are not really that interested in. Its typical for Aspies to get long winded....or worded . It occurred to me that you may have difficulties reading last night when I went to bed.
Empathy is also not something that always comes naturally to me. As I said, Im very ill right now and its easy for my agitation and anger to get out of control. So Im sorry that I "went off" on you but I was also offended that you were insinuating that I would post a private message or email.
I have problems with numbers, I read them backwards and the generally confuse me. So I take things slowly. I guess the only advice I can give you is to try to read things slowly....maybe a bit at a time before you make judgments....and I will try to keep in mind that I need to check my temper and that everyone had their own issues.
I have also gone back and tried to break my last two large posts into smaller sentences and paragraphs if you are interested in reading them. Sometimes when I write my mind goes faster than my fingers and I dont take the time to makes cuts or edit things onto paragraphs. Ill try to do that if It will help other people to be able to read easier.
From what I see the pro vaccine believers are just as rigid and inflexible in their thinking. I personally just dont care for the whole 'extremists' attitude regardless of the belief. Once someone becomes an extremist on any side of any issue it's like they pop bananas in their ears and are no longer able to regard anyones opinions, beliefs or experiences as valid other than their own.
And I really dont get why pro vaccine rhetoric needs to be posted here. I just dont see the need unless someone is asking about vaccines. My child was damaged by vaccines and I dont go around hollering 'Dont vaccinate' but it is irritating when extremists continually seem to discount the fact that yes children are damaged by vaccines. Lives are saved, children are damaged, safety could be improved.. But nothing is going to change or improve or happen because the extremists are all sitting around with bananas in their ears arguing instead of doing the appropriate research to find out how vaccines can be made safer and how we can screen to see which children may be more likely to be damaged.
If you don't mind me asking, why do you think vaccines caused your child's autism?
Last edited by Wreck-Gar on 10 Aug 2011, 9:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
@Wreck-Gar It's a bit unclear to me who you are asking that question of. The quote function messed up I think because I'm not really quoted in that message. Odd.
6 year old boy with PDD-NOS
7year old girl with ADD, but has been very manageable
Me: Diagnosed bi-polar, medicated for 20 years now.
LOL! it's a pleasure to see somebody with so many ideas/thoughts/feeling they wish to share. It would be good to put much of what you've written in the blog section of your profile rather than on the forum discussion as I've observed 99.5% of posters tend to skim rather than actually read people's posts. Shorter posts that are succinct tend to generate discussion but I have to admit frustration that many discussions tend to meander off threads.
I want to make a point that I seriously doubt those working in the health industry making hundreds of thousands of dollars doing research or providing therapy actually put much of their own free time or money into helping autistic people. It's us the parent's who are the vanguard of our children - not the so called autism experts (writers. medical people) whose luxury yachts, holiday home and limousines are paid for from struggling parents.
Sometimes young kids have febrile seizures when they have a fever over 101 F. I have seen children have seizures and I can image in was very frightening to see your child have one. This (in my opinion and theory) is what happened with these kids. They had a reaction to their shots....not uncommon then maybe even a febrile seizure. Sometime after that (some parents like to say the next day but I think everyone knows how hard it is to remember certain traits and when they started) they began to regress and have more autistic symptoms.
I've seen people claim "within hours." I find this hard to believe without any documentation.
Well I'm doomed then.
From what I see the pro vaccine believers are just as rigid and inflexible in their thinking. I personally just dont care for the whole 'extremists' attitude regardless of the belief. Once someone becomes an extremist on any side of any issue it's like they pop bananas in their ears and are no longer able to regard anyones opinions, beliefs or experiences as valid other than their own.
And I really dont get why pro vaccine rhetoric needs to be posted here. I just dont see the need unless someone is asking about vaccines. My child was damaged by vaccines and I dont go around hollering 'Dont vaccinate' but it is irritating when extremists continually seem to discount the fact that yes children are damaged by vaccines. Lives are saved, children are damaged, safety could be improved.. But nothing is going to change or improve or happen because the extremists are all sitting around with bananas in their ears arguing instead of doing the appropriate research to find out how vaccines can be made safer and how we can screen to see which children may be more likely to be damaged.
If you don't mind me asking, why do you think vaccines caused your child's autism?
First of all let me say that I appreciate your taking the time to nicely ask the question.. I do not believe vaccines caused my daughters autism/aspergers. I'm pretty certain that myself and my mother are also aspies and her dad has quite a few tendencies as does his mother and he has a brother who was suspected of having mild autism but was never diagnosed as a child. So I believe that her aspergers is all hereditary.
I do feel the vaccines damaged her immune system however. She developed reactive arthritis after her first round of vaccines and at 10 still struggles with the arthritis which is permanent and life long. she also developed type 1 diabetes at age 7 and is at very high risk of developing celiac (if she doesnt have it already) and her thyroid tests stay very borderline for autoimmune thyroid disease. Her problem is autoimmune diseases which as you know can be nasty business with no real treatment.
Now I also understand that this cannot be proved to correlate with vaccination and I understand that she may have developed all of this even without them. There is no way to ever know those answers but that is why I would like to see more research done on who is at high risk. The vaccines were the trigger for the autoimmune issues. We vaccinated later than the normal schedule. First round at 12 mos.. problems with arthritis seen by 13mos - formal diagnosis at 17mo..
I just wish people would stop arguing and making blanket statements long enough to actually take an honest look at the grey area. There is no cookie cutter child and what is safe for most is not going to be safe for all. There is a group that is at higher risk of problems from vaccines and some honest research should be able to determine that criteria but everyone is too busy arguing and too afraid to look in the grey areas. Life isnt all black and white.
Michelle K. - OCD, undiagnosed Aspergers
Mom to Jordan age 10 - Sensory Integration Disorder, undiagnosed Aspergers, Diabetes, JRA
You might be interested in some research recently done by Swinburne University regarding autism and mercury -This is the link to their press release about it: ... tism-risk-
The interesting thing about this (and the thing the newspaper cut out of it when it reported the story, unfortunately) is that what they actually found a link between is a family history of Pink's Disease and autism - Pink's Disease is apparently caused by some sort of genetic susceptibility to mercury, not by mercury poisoning itself. At that time mercury was common in teething powders, but only 1 in 500 babies who were given the powders developed the disease - the use of mercury in this sort of product was banned, but the susceptibility is obviously still there, and if this study is right it is most likely linked to autism.
DONT eat fish!....the highest risk to humans of methyl mercury poisoning comes from large fish. If you are worried about mercury poisoning then stop eating fish, it will help. I personally do not think that mercury and autism have anything to do with each other.
Mercury Pollution
Mercury pollution is released into the air from the burning of fossil fuels. It falls down directly onto waterways or is deposited on land where it can be washed into the water. Bacteria in the water cause chemical changes that transform mercury into a highly toxic form - methylmercury.
Methylmercury accumulates in fish, with larger fish generally accumulating higher levels of methylmercury. If you are pregnant or could become pregnant, are nursing a baby, or if you are feeding a young child, you should limit consumption of freshwater fish caught by family and friends to one meal per week. For adults one meal is six ounces of cooked fish or eight ounces uncooked fish; for a young child one meal is two ounces cooked fish or three ounces uncooked fish. Many states collect data on mercury levels in fish from local waters and issue fish consumption advisories.
For more information on freshwater fish consumption advisories across the country, go to
Also large saltwater fish are no longer safe as there have been studies that show high levels of methyl mercury in tuna and salmon....not to mention the larger animals that eat them, like dolphins, whales and orca. Our oceans are in peril...but I already mentioned that. I just hope that you guys are all teaching your children how important saving our oceans are, if the oceans die, so do we!
And Tracker....your comment cracked me up
I needed a laugh today as Ive been told I have to go into the hospital for three days for IV anti inflammatory and pain treatment. While there Im having a complete MRI, more blood work and Im going to be examined by a surgeon. If this helps my pain great but I dont want any more surgery.
squirrelflight-77 everything is black and white around here....we are Aspies Just kidding. Im sorry your daughter suffers from an auto immune disease, as you know I can seriously relate!
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