Hi Ryio,
My daughter was also dx with classic autism in BC (Victoria) when she was 3. After alot of research and soul searching, we decided to move to Alberta and it was the best decision we ever made. First off, the funding limit here is around $50,000 per year, plus you'll qualify for the early intervention programs thru Alberta Education for 3 years (which have been amazing for my daughter). There's also alot more schooling options for when they go to primary schools (public, private, catholic, french, charter schools etc), I don't know if we'll need any of these options, but it's peace of mind to know that they are there if we do. It wasn't an easy decision and it wasn't something we could do overnight, but I think it was the best long-term decision we could make. Plus the economy is booming here and everyone is hiring.
If I read your article right your fighting for 'specialized (autims) services' in BC? Do you have access to just to the early intervention services yet? We had that before 3, it was just o/t and speech every couple of weeks, but they were good for giving us some strategies. We also had our daughter part-time in a day-care prior to 3, the day-care director was older and had some of experiance working with autistic kids over the years. She was phenominal, and taught us how to use PECS, our daughter made really, really good gains in daycare.
Also, hook up with your local Autism Society to help you with advocating for your child. Doesn't matter how good the services are where you live, you're still going to have to fight like a dog to get'em. good luck