what do your kids want for Christmas?

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29 Nov 2011, 11:30 pm

I've thought about those candy/science kits, I bet my son would love 'em. He already eats a lot of sweets though, so that puts me off the idea.

Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.


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30 Nov 2011, 5:51 am

My 9 year old son would like to me to be cured of my disease (Ankylosing Spondylitis) for Christmas so I can have fun and run around with him again. He would also like his big brother back (my son died in August). I told him that we all want those things but we cant have them. I did tell him that someday we may see my son again (weve talked about this before and he does understand death about as much as the rest of us do as he lost his cat when we first moved here but loosing your brother is a bit more difficult especially since its been so long since we saw him, I help him to remember things about him). I also tell him that someday I may get better but my disease may never go away. So he says he would like more stuffed Pokemon and cards. Other than that he doesnt ask for much. He already earned his radio controlled top with his tokens so that was on thing he really wanted.

My 6 1/2 year old daughter wants a baby (not a real one thankfully)....she usually just takes off their clothes but I am going to buy her some new clothes for it so maybe she will actually put some clothes on it. She wants a Winx makeup desk and chair and some make up and finger nail polish....she is very girly you know? ;). She would also like some more apps for her iPad like a cartoon app. She enjoys making cartoons on her DSi. The top number one thing she wants is EARRINGS! She got her ears pierced a bit over a month ago after talking about it and obsessing about it for months because her aide has earrings and her friend has earrings. I had her watch all the youtube videos of kids getting their ears pierced so she knew what to expect and to make sure its what she really wanted as its hard to explain to her in words what will happen. She did really well, no tears. Her ears look great and she wants to take care of them herself so we spray on the cleaner and let her turn them.

I also buy lots of little sensory toys for them from office playground for their stockings, my favorite and cheapest sensory toy store.


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30 Nov 2011, 10:55 am

We NEVER have enough light sabers :wink:

Movies...He's into that now and I think we've seen almost every kid movie out this year, so he wants them all on DVD
Anything Star Wars....especially lego's and light sabers
Board Games (this year the angry birds one and Sorry Sliders...we like sorry)
Nintendo 3DS...I told him if he got this Santa won't give him a lot of presents because it's expensive and he's on a budget too so he needs to think about that

Did I say Star Wars?


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30 Nov 2011, 10:57 am

misstippy wrote:
My five year old wants the Zombie Monster lab where you can make candy brains/snot/etc. and eat them. Nice.

That's on my son's list too...don't know about this one yet :wink:


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30 Nov 2011, 11:59 am

OMG, thank you so much for mentioning office playground! I've found dozens of things my son will love. WInd-up Pac men... fidget toys... tiny gumball machines... eeeee!

I'm tempted by the wall clock which has math equations instead of numbers, though it's a little pricey.

Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.

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30 Nov 2011, 12:14 pm

Bombaloo wrote:
Trios and Hot Wheels. He wants a Nintendo DS because big brother just got one for his birthday but I don't know about that. Too bad those iPods are so expensive because what he'd really like is something he could play Angry Birds on 24-7.

Best buy

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30 Nov 2011, 2:41 pm

Willaful and Mommyjones: If you do decide to get the Zombielab, don't get it off Amazon. They want twice the price for it. It's actually been hard to find.... I think we got the last one in town last weekend.... we had to go to three places and there was only one left when we got there. :) I'm pretty sure there will be more, but it is a hot item, I guess.

We've gotten him other science kits and he's really enjoyed them. He usually likes the ones where you can really see a reaction.. his favorite was the fizzy foamy science kit.

My guess is the Zombie lab isn't really like a science kit at all... just a way for them to get more candy. Ah well. Santa is nice. :)


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30 Nov 2011, 5:55 pm

I think I won't get it -- I'm so happy with all the stuff I found at office playground. It may not be big or expensive, but I know he'll love it. Now a video game or two and we're good. :D

Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.

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30 Nov 2011, 5:58 pm

willaful wrote:
I think I won't get it -- I'm so happy with all the stuff I found at office playground. It may not be big or expensive, but I know he'll love it. Now a video game or two and we're good. :D

That website is COOL. I'm looking at it for the first time!


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01 Dec 2011, 8:55 am

The only thing my DS has asked for this Christmas is an Xbox 360, he refuses to ask for anything else.. :D


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01 Dec 2011, 2:56 pm

misstippy wrote:
Willaful and Mommyjones: If you do decide to get the Zombielab, don't get it off Amazon. They want twice the price for it. It's actually been hard to find.... I think we got the last one in town last weekend.... we had to go to three places and there was only one left when we got there. :) I'm pretty sure there will be more, but it is a hot item, I guess.

We've gotten him other science kits and he's really enjoyed them. He usually likes the ones where you can really see a reaction.. his favorite was the fizzy foamy science kit.

My guess is the Zombie lab isn't really like a science kit at all... just a way for them to get more candy. Ah well. Santa is nice. :)

Thanks for the tip...you're right...I've been looking around. My son doesn't even eat candy...it's the gross that he's attracted to :)

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01 Dec 2011, 3:10 pm

MommyJones wrote:
Thanks for the tip...you're right...I've been looking around. My son doesn't even eat candy...it's the gross that he's attracted to :)

How about gross magic or the scientific explorer's disgusting science?


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02 Dec 2011, 6:13 am

My 6yr old daughter had wanted a DS, but she got one on Wednesday, from my parents, for her birthday. We've bought her another game for it. She doesn't like girl toys, although she has mentioned a Disney Tangled doll, with dressing table (weird). We've bought a Transformer, 2 little robots, a puzzle, some DVDs and some stocking fillers. This is the first year that she's ever asked for anything expensive (the DS), although I doubt she understands about the cost. Every other year, she has only wanted one inexpensive gift (e.g. sonic screwdriver, football), although we always buy more than what she asks for.

"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiatic about." Charles Kingsley


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02 Dec 2011, 7:11 am

Az29 wrote:
MommyJones wrote:
Thanks for the tip...you're right...I've been looking around. My son doesn't even eat candy...it's the gross that he's attracted to :)

How about gross magic or the scientific explorer's disgusting science?

I'll check that out :)


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02 Dec 2011, 5:12 pm

Erik (7) wants lego stuff, ninjago stuff, and video games. He's been asking for a telescope for a while and I got him a cheapish kids one a few months ago and it fell apart in one day. I may wait and get a more expensive one for his birthday next year.

Eta: I also got him this human body book with an accompanying skeletn that has the organs you can take out etc. that he's been asking for for a while.