He has a sweet tooth. He likes yogurt, grapes, chips, sliced cheese etc but cookies by far his favorites. I don't think it's the texture as much as it is the sweetness. We buy the 100 calorie bags of cookies so at least he is not eating as much sugar, but when he want's cookies and you offer him something else, he may take a bite or 2 out of what you offer him, and then he is back to wanting the cookies. It is in a bin high in the pantry so he cannot reach it himself, but he still tries. I don't want him to be the kid who NEVER has cookies, I just want to teach him moderation.
For the past couple days it's been warm and so we have kept him fairly active so he seems to have forgotten about his cookies. He seems to be very thirsty so he has been drinking a lot of water or diluted juice. Also, the excercise seemed to have helped his mood, he's not doing his visually stimming as much and is just mellower. I think I am going to have to keep this child tired to keep him happy.