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05 May 2013, 7:09 am

alpineglow wrote:
Ostensibly she wanted me to eat more even though I said I was full and did not want any more so as not to get fat. Then he grabbed a can of whipped cream, I said, " don't", because I didn't want to get my recently broken arm bumped as it still hurts a lot. I kicked out at him but he jabed the whipped cream in my face anyway. This scared at me.

Forcing someone to eat whether out of some misguided sense of "fun" or not, is abusive. To me this is almost sadistic. You should not have been putting up with that. I cannot imagine any excuse for it. It is not as though she thought you were anorexic and giving you healthy things to eat (even then, forcing, would not be OK)

I think the current situation where she is seeing how the real world works, is a good one. If she and her bf manage to find someone else to put up with this nonsense, I would be surprised.

As parents we put up with a lot. If you have seen my posts, you will know that I am not in the harsh, strict authoritarian type mode; And I am saying this is not something parents need to tolerate. especially from a smart NT who knows social rules.


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05 May 2013, 6:32 pm

OliveOilMom wrote:
It's hard to grow balls once you are grown, but you need to now. Not only to protect your rights but because your daughter is still young enough to learn something from this. While it's way past the most opportune time to teach these lessons, it's not too late to start showing her now that she's not the center of the universe and she can't just do what she wants. Because if you don't teach her these lessons, even in a hard way right now, somebody else will later on and in a much harder and harsher way.

Yes, you're right on this, and especially the timing. Took me until this morning to process what was going on {had to shut myself in my room with music for a long while} and never would've gotten through/figured it out as quickly without the words of yours, OOM, ASDMommyASDKid, and cubedemon6073: thank you a whole lot. This has been coming to a head for awhile.
Anyway as for growing balls, (or in my terms being a tigress), it's weird for me because in the past I have absolutely though temporarily stood up to people when I was protecting someone else, but for some reason I freeze up when needing to protect myself. But I will next time.
I have to show myself and her, as well as my son, that I can do this.

cubedemon6073 wrote:
Hmmm Wow OliveOilMom! Alpineglow, I know you don't like confrontation but you will have to put your foot down on this somehow. I have issues with it as well. This BS can't fly. OliveOilMom, how do you do it though? How are you able to get into people's faces without fearing they will hurt you severely or murder you?

Alpineglow, Your situation actually has contributed to helping me to answer my question on the other thread of The world doesn't owe you, you owe the world. With your situation and OliveOilMom's answers and explanations I have not only have a better understanding of what the phrase means and ultimately what I need to do.

I have to contribute back to others in someway and sometimes I should contribute to them without expectation of return.

I hope you get through your situation but you did help me to clear up some confusion I had and helped me to get through my situation. To me, you seem like you're a good person and I don't think you deserve the treatment you are receiving. Your daughter does have a lot of gall. OOM is right on this

So this mess of mine helped you, and your thoughts helped me; that is really gratifying for me. When connections form - both in my pea-brain but also between questions/ threads, it is just cool and makes me feel less like a broken toy human, to borrow a phrase from another WP person.


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25 May 2013, 1:02 pm

In the meantime, she asked via a text to return, "for a few days." I said yes, as long as she did her chores. I expected her all day, I was waiting and waiting. Didn't show up until late at night, went to her room and got on her laptop, and then quietly snuck out in the middle of the night with all her important possessions. When I went into her room in the morning to clean the cat-box, her bed hadn't been slept in, & I saw a note saying she loves us and would be back soon to pick up her cat. My son her brother says he knew, "by her fake smile", that she was messing with our heads. Why can't I tell when I am being tricked.


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25 May 2013, 6:24 pm

OliveOilMom wrote:
Walk out there where they are and turn off the lights and tv and tell them that if they can't be quiet they can take it to a hotel cause this is your house and while they are under your roof they will have a little respect for you.

You aren't a bad mom for them leaving! It's not like you threw your 10 year old out in the snow, barefoot because he asked for more gruel or something! You told two adults to be quiet, in the middle of the night, in your own house!

Tell them "This is what is going to happen. You will be quiet after 10 and not wake me up. I didn't care if you stay up all night but the tv stays low and the lights stay out. If I hear you out here and you keep me awake then you will be finding someplace else to live!"

Well said.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I