I spoke with the principal yesterday and she told me that the psychologist is the reason the meeting is out so far. Its only a few weeks and we are out for thanksgiving one of those weeks. She said that was his first available date to meet. I am still waiting on evaluation results though. I now they are ready and its driving me crazy not knowing yet!
I have our therapist asking about when we will get results. I don't want them to wait until a week before the meeting to call me and let me know. If they are ready I need them now LOL
I am also a little concerned with the school restraining my son. When he melts down he gets very aggressive. Not towards someone just in general. Kicking and pushing things that are around him. They said that they are trained but my son said it hurts when they "hug" him when he's mad I told the school I don't want one of them to get hurt and that as long as he isn't hurting himself or others to just let him have some space. I think the problem is that he doesn't have a safe place to calm down at school. I think that will definitely be written into the IEP.