I've dealt with feeling dragged out and wanting to sleep throughout the day. My doctor ran tests of freeT3, freeT4, freeTSH, for thyroid function and a metabolic panel for cortisol levels gave a place to start. My cortisol levels were low in the am when they should be high, and high in the evening when they should be low. This is great if you're a musician playing clubs all night, but someone who needs a different schedule needs to find a way to have hormones at the right level at the right time.
I've been in one home where due to EMF, I had to get out of the house before I could fall asleep. Certain frequencies will keep the cells in a stressed state and interfere with biological rhythms and some people seem to be more affected by them than others. If it were me, I'd consider checking into environmental factors: viewtopic.php?t=269661&start=15#p6330790
Good luck.
"This is first-class reality. The human affair is half real, part myth, part art-work..." -Robinson Jeffers
"I'm not shy? I just can't think of anything to say."