Mum2K-9 wrote:
I am at the school all the time about his disorganision, about him being bullied and everything else that is going on at school for him.
They insist that he copes at school and everything is fine, but they do not have to see how he is when he gets home
The school are driving me mad and I seem to be banging my head on a brick wall everyway I turn, with no support from anyone. All I want is for my child to have a happy and rewarding childhood that everyone should deserve.
Sorry about the rant, but reading this post just got my blood boiling again.
Hello Fiona,
I got so frustrated that I've stopped phoning the school. Promises are made and never kept.
I now do all communication via e-mail and I cc everything to the classroom teacher, special ed teacher, guidance officer and vice principal.
I e-mail 1-2 per day. I figure this is an ongoing diary for them to know what's going on and it's a record for me (I type much faster than I write and can easily print stuff out.)
Since I've changed to e-mail system more things are getting done (not all, but it's a start).
My 7 year old is getting more of the help he needs from the school. (We take him to 1/week psychology and homeschool him 1/week)
My 8 year old is another story (we strongly suspect he is an aspie - diagnostic assessment 10 days away). They insist he is fine at school so do nothing. In the meantime he is having major meltdowns everyday after school saying he's got no friends and everybody hates him. He gets so angry - even if he is not diagnosed with Asperger's we need help desperately for him.
My 8year old told me he had an 'angry' episode at school at lunchtime. He told me his friends were amazed by how angry he was and haven't played with him since. I told the school but they have not investigated (despite me asking/begging) because 'he's fine'. That was 2 weeks ago.
Sigh - at least we have the appointment soon.