BugsMom wrote:
I am very depressed tonight. We had our son's IEP meeting today and suddenly his going to kindergarten (special ed class) seems so scary...they say that they're equipped to handle meltdowns but I'm having such a difficult time with worrying about school. I've been crying all evening and now I'm just tired.
Hang in there! The first IEPs can seem scary, and anything we are experiencing for the first time can be stressful and overwhelming. Just do your research, talk with your son's psychologist about what services your son will need for school and then make sure the school implements them. Sometimes there will be a fight, sometimes there will not, but knowledge is power. Use it to do what is best for your son. If you expect the best, show respect and are reasonable, I believe the odds are in your favor of getting what you want if you are in a halfway decent school district.
Your son will be alright, and he will learn how to control his tantrums...probably better at school than at home.

When he was younger, my 11 y/o son ironically never had tantrums at school, but boy when he got home, he would let it all out!! ! Home is his safe place. Now at 11 he hardly ever has a tantrum, and he usually only has them if he is under extreme pressure. It will get better...I promise.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson