I can lie. But most of the time I choose not to lie. Even if it harms me. I think it's weakness. My daughter can lie too. But she won't lie either to prevent from being punished or found guilty. I feel bad if I lie. Weak. Worthless.
I can lie at a two year old level
Used to wish I could as a child because I was constantly told I was lying when I wasn't. It is unfair to have a skill attributed undeserved. I lost unemployment trying to verify I was not a danger to coworkers as I was fired for that. It was only $125 a week, but now nothing. I think it's called shooting your foot.
Joined: 14 Mar 2007 Age: 60 Gender: Female Posts: 28 Location: UK
14 Nov 2007, 5:39 am
My partners aspie daughter can do simple yes/no lies. For example if she's asked 'did you clean your teeth?' She'll say yes, when we know very well she hasn't. Simple yes or no lies seem to come easily to her but any lie that requires a more complex answer she can't do. She either just clams up and looks guilty or tries desperately to change the subject.