Tortuga wrote:
Temma wrote:
Hi everyone,
The woman behind the counter said to me, 'it's a worry that your son is talking to himself'.
I know I would have gone off on her. I find that comment extremely irritating. I've had people stare at us when my son is spinning or do something atypical in public, but people don't say anything to me. I think they know I will scream back at them.
Perhaps she said that because she used to do it herself, and was told it was a bad thing and she should stop, and she's internalized that and just mirroring what was said to her, because she doesn't know any better. I've heard several people here say they used to talk to themselves or flap or whatever and were made to feel terrible about these behaviors and don't do them any longer. Maybe she's one of those people. Not saying it's RIGHT, just saying...maybe she wasn't actually intending to be vicious or hurtful.
I know my mother's MIL wasn't trying to be hurtful when she suggested we just "find a good military school" to send our son away to. She's a lovely woman who means well - she's just woefully ignorant about AS and autism, bless her heart. Screaming or getting nasty at her would not have educated her at all, except to make her think people with AS/autism are violent hateful nutjobs who should probably be locked up for the good of society. That doesn't serve anyone.