Your idiot special ed teacher sounds like J's vp. According to her there is nothing wrong with him. He never complains to her and he smiles at her on the stairs when she says hello. She tells me she has had kids with aspergers before and J is nothing like those kids. Yet the autism resource worker for our area and the autism school for our area have never had a child from J's school before. How does that work? Hmmm
What is an IEP and should I have one? If so how do I get one? J's school wont even try for funding because they dont think he needs it, all this was said in the presence of J's docs. Just about everyday J tells me he is sad, he has no friends, no one will play with him. He is confussed by some of the work or he is worried because he didn't have time to fix mistakes that he may have made. He steps into the school yard and I can see a physical change come over his face. Like a mask goes up. He will not talk to me in the school yard in front of other kids for fear of being teased later. His understanding of social rules and the rules he has put on himself are extremely stressful. There was an incident the other morning, J was extremely stressed/paniced about it all. I told him to talk to his teacher, the minute some other kids approached us he shut down all communication about the subject and donned a wooden look on his face, staring straight ahead. I asked him if he wanted me to talk to his teacher all I got was a little nod. I explained to his teacher a little about what was going on, telling her that she needed to talk to him, she assured me she would. However, when I asked J after school if his teacher talked to him about him being upset in the morning he said No!
Today we have getting to know you meetings at school, I've asked for extra time (10 minutes isnt long enough) I think my biggest problem is explaining that J will not ask for help but he does need help. J is fantastic at pretending he is ok, because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself. I need to know how we (parent and school) can help J over come some of these problems. J is so exhausted by the time he gets home, we aren't allowed to talk about school. If we do talk about school we get tears, moaning noises and have even had the walls punched (completely out of character). I am worried about what this is doing to my little boys emotional state, I am looking at the whole child. He may appear to be keeping up with the other kids education wise (he should be he repeated grade two) he is very clever, but behind the sceens he is a mess. Does any of this sound like your kids and how did you guys help them?