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06 May 2008, 7:58 pm

Thanks for all comments. There are some really good points here that I agree with.

Wouldn't life be easy if our kids had a fantastic, approachable and experienced teacher that they have when they start Kindergaten and they keep throughout there years until yr6. Then we wouldn't have to have the same meeting with every new teacher, there wouldn't be the teacher having to get to know the child, the teacher and your child would know what to expect and things would just work like clockwork.

I think what the problem is in my son's case is that he has been given a teacher who was teaching older students for a number of years and then got moved to teach yr 2 students. I think this teacher is use to having kids who are more independant.

The problem is also that he has parents who worry- (well the mother in particular) who can see other students advancing in there school work while there child struggles to read and write. I dont expect him to do as much as the other students (who are doing paragrahs and pages of writing), I suppose I expect him to least try a sentence.

I can feel his struggle and his frustration. I can see that the same kids get picked time and time again to do special things and he misses out. I can feel that he is nearly always or last to get picked for the student of the week that by the time he gets it, its not a big deal. I could go on and on.....

This is what upsets me.


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07 May 2008, 5:22 am

it sounds to me that the teacher is underestimating your son's abilities. is there anyone else you can talk to in the school ? a social worker ?