slowmutant wrote:
A red flag, as it is colloquially understood, is like a dashboard warning light, a fire alarm, an indication of emergency. When red flags go up in my head, that means impending trouble or danger.
Well, I just often find myself disgareeing with what a lot of those red flags are supposed to mean. They most often seem just collective agreements to fear & loath (and apply hatred) for reasons that have little to do with what people say or think they're about.
I.e. most people would consider any psychiatric diagnosis a red flag, but are most people with AS (or many other things) dangerous? The answer doesn't matter, because it's just decided. And most people aren't going to care enough to try to find out anything that might cause them to understand better.
Societies always need people to hate. Christians to the lions, witches burned at the stake, jews, irish, gays, blacks, etc. etc. "Why did the crops fail? Witches!" Those groups don't seem remotely as dangerous as much as they were/are hated, IMO.
Especially since the few gay people I've ever met were the few to treat me like I was a regular human being when nobody else would. If anything they made the rest of the world look worse by having notably more humanity than that. Same for autsitic people. So I don't like the standard set of red flags very much at all.