Kailuamom wrote:
My DS has been dx'd:
Bipolar & Aspie (aspie child psychaitrist)
Mood Disorder NOS & Aspie (Pediatric Neurologist)
And Bipolar NOS, ruled out all autism spectrum (Pediatric neuropsychologist)
So does he have one issue, many issues, co morbid???? I don't know.
What I do know is.... When the meltdowns are described here, that fits my child more than on the BP kids forum.
He seems to react to meds more like they say is typical for an aspie, much more likely to experience the rare side effects, need smaller doses...
Hypomobile joints (that's loose joints right?)
Freaky sensory stuff (and I say freaky, because in some cases he is sensory aversive some cases sensory seeking - and he doesn't know it)
However - great eye contact. Can have a back and forth conversation (so long as it's about what he's interested in). Will show you things. His special interest is very broad and changing.
As I have spent time in both worlds trying to help my child find some happiness (because trust me - having public meltdowns and not being socially included is painful for him), I see how mixed up these dx's can be.
Anyway - I have no great wisdom or suggestions. The bpkids website is a great resource. Check it out and see what sounds like your child.
I'm not giving advice or anything, but I
would go to a symptom checker to see if it's genetic because of the hyper-flexible joints, the reactivity to medications, and the sensory things (I hope this isn't offensive), but since I found something that made me cry when I searched it, I'm forbidden from symptom checking....sorry if I offended you...