Yocritier wrote:
IIRC, the footballer David Beckham also displays this trait: he has to have an 'even' number of diet cokes in his fridge, he will simply trash the odd one.
Shoot, I'd just drink it.
And I don't have a lot of options with the TV volume. It's a cheap tv. You get it up to five and you'll regret it if you have noise sensitivity or sleeping kids.
I have a lot of balance issues like these. Most of my stims that I have identified are in some way balance related. Some are naturally occurring, as in the eyes. My right eye must be slightly more open or sensitive or something because it usually has a slight burning sensation, and I give myself headaches sometimes trying to get the other eye to feel as bad as the right! You'd think I'd want the eye to stop burning, but really, that isn't going to happen if it hasn't in all these years. Also, I squint at lights to get the smeary streaks to match (the ones that occur when you squint hard at a light). I do what I call "stropping" or stroking my fingers along one another in complex patterns, trying to get them to match. Et cetera.
But I don't have to do this in all things. As many things as I straighten, line up, or remove for balance, as many touch issue as I have, I have in turn many areas where I just don't care, or forget about it or just blow it off. Sometimes you just want to shake things up. So that's where I differ from others with AS (if I have it. I recognize that I have many traits, some I haven't mentioned, that indicate I do have OCD. Which isn't fair... if I have OCD, why can't I get organized?).
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.