The first thing I think of when I hear of a man becoming vengeful or dangerous during or after a divorce is a narcissistic personality or just someone who wasn't raised with basic values that would guide his behavior. I wouldn't think of someone known for being cold and distant, as she describes, suddenly turning hot-headed and violent. If they are so hardwired to be undemonstrative, why would they suddenly become possessive or vengeful?
I agree about her understanding of men. These assessments of hers really put her behind other women, rather than in the position of greater knowledge and understanding that she would have the public believe she occupies.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it calls into question her theory of mind. Makes you think, huh?
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.