Congratulations son, your in the bottom 0.1th percentile
Yeah, I love(sarc) all those IDIOTS that claim your IQ never changes. It *****ALWAYS***** changes! It is a GIVEN!
CA constantly changes! If your 18 this year, next year you are 19! That means that, all things being equal, your IQ will DROP! SO, your MA has to INCREASE! So a 4 year olds MA generally increases, on average, by 100% by the time they are 8. If you can increase your sons rate to 200%, he could be almost in the normal level by the time he is 8. That shouldn't be hard to do. His next major mental growth spurt will be around 8, so try to get him to improve before then. In fact, in theory, if you can get him PAST 8 by then, your gains will be multiplied. By 11 he could actually be AHEAD.
Anyway, my point is that IQ shows the relationship of CA to MA, and CA ALWAYS changes, so MA MUST. If the rate changes even by a small fraction, it affects the IQ.
Yeah, it is a lot to expect, but IS possible. And encourage him to work HARD. The key points seem to be around 2, 8, 13, and I think 25. 4 is probably a good time to find out about this. Try to cover material up to 8, and hopefully enough will stick that maybe by the time he is 6 he might be ready for kindergarten! The early grades, at least in the US, go slowly, so try to just go faster. Maybe you can get him into first grade by the time he is 7, and he can find it easy. If you succeed, he may eventually find highschool easy.
It doesn't help us, and it doesn't change anything, he's still a wonderful boy. I had a great day with him today.
I think that's a very good attitude to take! Love him, teach him, care for him. Their piece of paper isn't some unalterable destiny for him that's now decided his future will only ever be one way.
At 5 1/2 my son had the vocabulary of an 18month was heartbreaking...I decided to not focus on his negatives, but instead his positive. I homeschooled him. I paid for speech therapy out of pocket for years. At the time, he never wanted to play with other kids. He wanted to be alone. Now at 9 he is a very social kid. We live out of the country, and although he still has some speech delays, he is bilingual! Everyday he learns more Spanish. He knows everyone where we live...everyone loves him. He was named "prince" at our Valentine's Day party...haha...We still struggle sometimes, because I can see there is a difference between his speech and other kids his age, and even younger...but he has come a long way...and the fact that without us making him, he is learning a second language, shows us he has the capacity, although at his own pace.
Please focus on the positives. Focus on HIS interests to teach him words, read, etc...really watch and focus on what HE likes...not what others think he should like, learn, etc...and this will make him flourish more than anything!
I really made a extra conscious effort to do that this weekend, where I had the kids for the weekend by myself as my wife was away. And a concious effort to slow down and get down to his level and talk to him and explain things even if he doesn't show that he notices.
I just want to share a few things that I noticed or happened.
The first one was I take him to a gym for Kids with ASD. He didn't like going to start with and we have had to leave in the past but he has been tolerating it more recently. I have worked out he needs some stim or run around time as he does the gym stuff (walking along beams, bouncing on a tramp etc), so have been letting him have a 1-2 minute timeout after each one to run about doing what he wants swinging his arms etc. That helps his stress levels. Also I have been making sure he has food before hand.
Anyway we were going there and I had told him about going to the gym a few times to make sure he knew and I noticed he had his hand in his mouth which he seems to do when he's anxious. So I stopped and got him some of his favourite chips thinking he might be hungry. He didn't touch them which was odd, so we drove on. When I got there there was a big grin on his face and lots of hand flapping. I let him out of his seat, and he ran into the gym by himself, instead of me having to lead him by the hand. I was pretty pleased. I normally never let him go because I'm worried about him running in front of a car but there were none about. So I guess I allowed him the opportunity to independently do that whereas I haven't before in that situation.
Then we went to my Mums for lunch and when we got there, I let him out the car seat and without any words or prompting from me he ran up to her landing . Then he stopped and looked back at me and waited briefly to see what I was doing Then he tried the door handle to get in by himself (but it was locked) Then he pushed the doorbell several times
We haven't shown him these things before, which I think means he's been observing. These are not the actions of a child who can't think. Looking back to see what your Dad is doing - and pausing to see if he's looking at you before continuing on..I think thats the action of a child with a pretty reasonably developing theory of mind surely?. He looks in my eyes longer and more intensely than any kid I know, of his own volition. Why is he doing that? Surely its not to see his reflection..and often I turn around these days and he is just quietly watching me. Then I will turn away and later when I look back he is still watching. I mean he could be zoning out, but I think he is observing.
He didn't used to do these things. He is developing. We have taught him PECS recently. It was slow going but he uses it a lot now. Through it we have taught him that he can get what he wants by interacting with us, that he can communicate. And now using his interest we have started getting him to do things, if he brings me a PECS for chips we tell him to bring us a bowl. We can get him to pull up his pants (very funny to watch).
And just because he didn't do things on command for some people when they were assessing him, so what? I should've thought of all this. It's just a shock when the experts produce something in black and white thats so damning.
Thank you very much for those lovely words, I sent the link to your post to my wife and she said it made her day
I don't understand how those tests are truly meaningful.
I don't understand them so therefore, I don't give them any creedance (sp?).
My kid's in the 1st percentile of some things, but what does that mean when he has difficulty processing language and the tests are language based?
He's visual, he's sensitive, and he's language impaired. So, how does knowing he tested in the 1st percentile supposed to help him?
It's says nothing about his actual abilities, his intelligence. He can learn anything if you give him visual aides, time to process, decrease the amount of sensory input, and he feels liked by you. He has special learning needs that's all those tests tell me and I don't need a test result to understand that.
I don't get it. Their value. Anyone want to spell it out for me?
"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home." -Basho
I really made a extra conscious effort to do that this weekend, where I had the kids for the weekend by myself as my wife was away. And a concious effort to slow down and get down to his level and talk to him and explain things even if he doesn't show that he notices.
I just want to share a few things that I noticed or happened.
The first one was I take him to a gym for Kids with ASD. He didn't like going to start with and we have had to leave in the past but he has been tolerating it more recently. I have worked out he needs some stim or run around time as he does the gym stuff (walking along beams, bouncing on a tramp etc), so have been letting him have a 1-2 minute timeout after each one to run about doing what he wants swinging his arms etc. That helps his stress levels. Also I have been making sure he has food before hand.
Anyway we were going there and I had told him about going to the gym a few times to make sure he knew and I noticed he had his hand in his mouth which he seems to do when he's anxious. So I stopped and got him some of his favourite chips thinking he might be hungry. He didn't touch them which was odd, so we drove on. When I got there there was a big grin on his face and lots of hand flapping. I let him out of his seat, and he ran into the gym by himself, instead of me having to lead him by the hand. I was pretty pleased. I normally never let him go because I'm worried about him running in front of a car but there were none about. So I guess I allowed him the opportunity to independently do that whereas I haven't before in that situation.
Then we went to my Mums for lunch and when we got there, I let him out the car seat and without any words or prompting from me he ran up to her landing . Then he stopped and looked back at me and waited briefly to see what I was doing Then he tried the door handle to get in by himself (but it was locked) Then he pushed the doorbell several times
We haven't shown him these things before, which I think means he's been observing. These are not the actions of a child who can't think. Looking back to see what your Dad is doing - and pausing to see if he's looking at you before continuing on..I think thats the action of a child with a pretty reasonably developing theory of mind surely?. He looks in my eyes longer and more intensely than any kid I know, of his own volition. Why is he doing that? Surely its not to see his reflection..and often I turn around these days and he is just quietly watching me. Then I will turn away and later when I look back he is still watching. I mean he could be zoning out, but I think he is observing.
He didn't used to do these things. He is developing. We have taught him PECS recently. It was slow going but he uses it a lot now. Through it we have taught him that he can get what he wants by interacting with us, that he can communicate. And now using his interest we have started getting him to do things, if he brings me a PECS for chips we tell him to bring us a bowl. We can get him to pull up his pants (very funny to watch).
And just because he didn't do things on command for some people when they were assessing him, so what? I should've thought of all this. It's just a shock when the experts produce something in black and white thats so damning.
This is lovely. Thank you for sharing.
The truth is the experts don't know what is going on in your child's mind. Keep working with him, loving him, and someday you hopefully will find out
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
Vid taken on Saturday.
This is my son now nearly 6yrs old. Still non-verbal and not toilet trained, but if you'd told me last year this would be possible I would not have believed it - in fact when the lead of his ABA program said she wanted him to learn to use a computer, I actually did not believe it was possible. Shame on me!
This is my son now nearly 6yrs old. Still non-verbal and not toilet trained, but if you'd told me last year this would be possible I would not have believed it - in fact when the lead of his ABA program said she wanted him to learn to use a computer, I actually did not believe it was possible. Shame on me!
I'm glad to see this video, James is very focused! I'd like to use this application for my son too.
Hi Claudia its called Blooming Kids
You can see from the screen that in that example the distractors are non-alphanumeric, and the object you need to match is not the same font and so-on so that the child is not matching on the exact shape and size, but having to interpret the symbol - that is configurable. I ran one through yeterday with alphanumeric distractors and his success dropped to about 75%.
Anyway the app is pretty good I think, quite simple, quite configurable, and the little reward of some action plus music is just right, keeps James interested.
Joined: 6 Nov 2011
Age: 48
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Posts: 485
Location: Melbourne, Australia
I strongly believe that a lot of these kids don't have developmental disabilities as much as lags. My son has come such a long way in such a short period. I am not saying that he wasn't helped along with therapy and an amazing kinder but I think some of it was there all along, it just needed time.
Mum to 7 year old DS (AS) and 3 year old DD (NT)
No matter where they are on the spectrum, it's always so hard to know what they are and are not capable of, right?
Here's what I think: the tests, in general, are really only useful in helping you find specific deficits that respond to specific strategies. I don't know why doctors persist in using them as predictors of future behaviors. Nobody can predict that: there are too many variables.
I think if we gave up, and let our kids sit in a corner or do only what they want to do, likelihood is that the doctors' dire predictions would be right: our kids are very hands-on kinds of kids, and wilt without a lot of attention and direction. Otherwise, there is simply no way to tell what will happen, it depends a lot on the individual kid.
It looks to me like you're slowly building some kind of infrastructure for future communication with these computer skills! Congratulations!
I have gotten to the point to where I think the %ile is something that is best used to leverage to get the services your child needs and little else.
School District: Your child is doing well enough in x and does not need help.
Me: Well his testing percentile is a in test z (related issue)
Otherwise, I just look for forward motion and try not to get bogged down in that stuff. We got a worse score than that if you can imagine, in social abilities. I just look for improvement. When I see it, it makes me a smile. When I don't, I regroup and try something new.